
27 June 2010

i wish

i wish my life had a background music. :) mcm drama movie and so whatever. haha. alangkah indahnyaa. adeyhh. tapi siapa yg sanggup play music for every moment yg ade dlm life ni? HAHA, klaka jehh. 

angan2 echah. haha :) siapalahh aku inii.. haha.. ok, i just come back from kenduri sdare. and guess what? haha, seriously ta sangke, ahha, one of my schoolmate is my third cousin. haha. ohh, tak pernah terlintas pon. ahh, biarlahh. haha. siape? tak perlu tahu. :) 

cik awak, haaa, kan saye dah kate, awak buat saye mcm payung. haha. ohh, tak menuju kpd sesiapa pon. siapa makan cili terase la pedasnye. tp kalau tak rase2 jugak pedas tu, entahlah. itulah, kau sndri yg sebut, tp kau tak pernah peduli pon kan? penat la weyy. booo! =.=

and, to my makyong zila. welcome to the blog. ingat, diamdiam ye ? :) hihi

ehee, comel nye!

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