
27 June 2010

i wish

i wish my life had a background music. :) mcm drama movie and so whatever. haha. alangkah indahnyaa. adeyhh. tapi siapa yg sanggup play music for every moment yg ade dlm life ni? HAHA, klaka jehh. 

angan2 echah. haha :) siapalahh aku inii.. haha.. ok, i just come back from kenduri sdare. and guess what? haha, seriously ta sangke, ahha, one of my schoolmate is my third cousin. haha. ohh, tak pernah terlintas pon. ahh, biarlahh. haha. siape? tak perlu tahu. :) 

cik awak, haaa, kan saye dah kate, awak buat saye mcm payung. haha. ohh, tak menuju kpd sesiapa pon. siapa makan cili terase la pedasnye. tp kalau tak rase2 jugak pedas tu, entahlah. itulah, kau sndri yg sebut, tp kau tak pernah peduli pon kan? penat la weyy. booo! =.=

and, to my makyong zila. welcome to the blog. ingat, diamdiam ye ? :) hihi

ehee, comel nye!

25 June 2010


find me went u need me. dont have to look for me when i'm in trouble. no need to worry about me. yet, i can handle my problem my own self. so why are you here? owh yeah, its my job for the 'problem solver' haha. great. you keep on create problem and burden me with those. and when i need you, why the first person leave me is you? 

no need to worries. you dont have to read all this. hah, takdir kah ini? bile akan kau sedar. cikgu asmah, youre absolutely right! i dont know what to do? pusing kanan, hati aku sakit. pusing kiri, hati kau sakit. so mcm mane? 

i never missed the chance we had together. but youre the one who never realize me were there too. yaa, i'm not whoever. knape org lain boleh cakap cenni. aku taleyh ke? haha, rase klaka la pulak doe :D ahh, nak nangis boleh? 

hidup aku ni mcm payung. bile hujan. time tulah gopoh cari aku. bile cuaca cerah merbah, campak dalam store. org taktau. rase lonely, sorg2. haha, nak buat ape lg? SENYUM saje :) kan? inilah best jd echah, tade sape tau die nangis. dan, tak sape kesah. asyik gelak je. bg semua org seronok. haha. tatau ke? kalau tgk org lain seronok, kite pon happy jugak. sebab tulahh. haha. dahlaa, tak kesah la org nak anggap aku siapa pon. kan? siapa kesah la?!

A : Skarang pasal pe pulak?
B : Ohh, ni kisah manusia :)

itulah orang

hah, tadi ade smething yg blaku kat skola. ahh, TAK SUKE. aku tak pduli pon pasal tu. now is, aku tak suke bile ade org tanye aku, macam mane kau boleh tahan ngan die ha? pade aku korg tak perlu sebok nak tau knape. skali lagi aku tak suke. faham x? 

btw, sukati akulah. life aku. korg bukan aku, so, kau tak tahu and even kau tak perlu tau pon. you dont have to waste your time kalau korg tak suka. die tak teruk mane pon. even pade aku, die lg penting dari korg yg bercakap. aku brani cakap, aku syg die. die bestfriend aku. so what? korg tak sakit hati pon kan. so stop, talking about people. 
maybe die salah. but, korg kne cermin diri korg jugak. aku ade mate, ade tlinge. kadg2, korg pon salah jugak. aku takde niat nak salahkan korg sepenuh hati. but, jgn krane die macam tu, die je yg salah. 

seriously, aku sakit hati. bukan krane die je. tapi korg rendahkan die. bermakne korg rendahkan aku jugak. sebab, almost the time aku dgn die. hahh. tak kesahla korg nak fikir ape pon. 
ps : dont take it to hard.

22 June 2010

apelah nak jadi?

hahh. kutuk punye kutuk, last last mlekat tak lepas2 jugak then kutuk balik! adoyaii. cakap tak srupa bikin punyer org doe -___________- buat dosa bergelen jeh! pastu sbok heboh satu dunia. 

ps : tade kne mngena antara hidup dan yg mati. trime kasih!

once upon a time

maka, bermulalah rutin harianku yg membosankan! haha, bangun pagi, gosok gigi, terus pergi mandi! lalalala. sarapan sekolah, balik, tido, on9 kejap. study. tusyen, tido. AHHH, bosannyelah !

so, result, makin hari, makin membimbangkan! ahh, tak perlu criter. hehhee. oh ye, smakin hari juga, smakin happy. insyaAllah. aku dah nekad. lepas ni, takde nak pendampendam. kluar je semua. asalkan happy. cukupkan? hee :) prinsip kini, ape nak jadi, jadilaa. cume, takbolehlaa lebih lebih haha! 

ohh ye, pakde tersayang bakal membaca. so, pakde, apekate pakde ikut rules blog kpunyaan ayesha ni nak tak? bile tekan je  kat corner kananatas skali tu, maka terhentilah stakat itu ye. takperlulah rajin nak ajak ibu and ayah bace skali. ahh! segan lahh :) bak kate org, terlajak perahu boleh diundur, tlajak kate, saye yang malu :) 

and, welcome to blogger :) hee

echah, buat pe nak malu? hee. terima kasih krane mematuhi peraturan ye. diingatkan, melanggar undang-undang bakal dikenakan hukuman ye :) 

hahaa. dahlaa, mcm sengal je cakp centu ohh. oh ye, cik ustazah hidayah dah hint2 bayar duit klantan yg selebihnya! hahaa. ishh, serious bile fikir balik, tak sabaa nak g klantan! oh yehh :D hehe. adeyhh 

dahlaa, ade tusyen bosan. so, assalamualaikum! :)

21 June 2010


dalam life ni, terlalu banyak kemungkinan yg akan berlaku. mungkin atau maybe. hahh. same je :) kite slalu je gune, ohh, maybe... mungkin... hahh. tapi ape yg jadi semua kehendak Tuhan. 

so just now, terdengar my mum criter pasal *tett*! hahh. tade keje lain ke ha perempuan? ehh, syukur la aku gne perempuan! kalau aku gune mnatang cemane? hmm. i hate seeing you full of pretending. konon2 nak emotional la bile dah lame tak jumpe. peluk peluk. peluh dimata, bak kate faiz adik sdare ksayangan minah n muhaimin-ok iklan. hahh. sumpah, aku rase nak cocok je mate kau. org panggil 2 3 kali baru tergedek gedek kau nak dtg. pastu duduk tak sampai 3 hari. ape kau ingat kau punye tanggungjawab part time ke hape? sukahati jeh main lepaslepas -_____-

ohh ye, & dont even think i'm asking you here, kau boleh buat rumah aku mcm hotel 5 star yg free ye wahai emas. hahh. benci benci benci. ok fine, maybe aku masih sebulan jagung nak faham bende2 ni semua. but remember, aku ade mate yg melihat, aku ade tlinge yg dengar semuanya, aku ade hati yang guide aku. and aku ade otak yg berfikiran dan akal. 

sumpah, bile mak aku criter tadi tak terkejut mane pon, sbb kalau ikutkan prangai kau sbelum ni mmg ade niat ke arah tu! stupiddo crazyo! ade otak jgn letak bawah kaki lah. & kmungkinan yg sangat menakutkan. mungkinkah? Ya Allah, minta dijauhkann! Ameen :\

dahdah, tiade kne mengena antara esok dan lusa. nun jauh di sana, insaflah wahai saudaraku. dah, lupekan!

ps : sukahati je nk lawan ckp pakar, kau pon terkapaikapai. pii-rrrahh!

20 June 2010

hah, tgk skarang ape dah jadi? inilah namenya kite merancang Tuhan yang tentukan. yeah good. aku terlepas pluang keemasan midvalley-outing. semua pasal prof ibu yg bnyk sgt complain. ahh. at last, aku berserah je lahh. nak buat cemane lg. kalau ade duit, sumpah, aku bli ticket flight balik jam tu jugak. huhh.

and to my dearest friends : MINAH, MUHAIMIN and ADYNN. sorry for everything. bukan sengaja. tak sangke pon mcm ni jadinye =.= millions of apologize. huhh. sorry sorry sorry. hmm =.="

  • sorry muhaimin, habiskan kredit kau duk msj2 aku. at last, tak sampai2 jugak an? hmm. SORRY ;( tak sengaje. sumpah. rase nak cekik je prof mak aku tuh. bnyk songeh. 
  • sorry minah, yeye ckp kat kau pegi pegi pegi. but at last! hahhh. serious tak sangke sgtsgt. =.= sepulo ringgit kau. esok jugak aku kasi. 
  • and, sorry adynn. yeye nak tumpangkan lah pebende. ape sume tu, at last mcm ni. hmm.

oh ye encik prof, saye tak berniat nak salahkan anda. huh =.= teruk nyelah kan aku ni =.=
sumpaa rase ralat sgt -__________- 

ahha, esok sekolah. apebende tu? ish, taleyh panjang lagi ke cuti? again friends, I"M SO SORRY! hmm.



15 June 2010

i have a question who i didn't ask anyone for it. haha. so, friends, give me a best answer. and my question is nothing to do with SMSers. they are superb. so how come u say this is about sms. hehh. okey, again, takde istilah tu ye. 

my question is, ade tak dalam dunia ni istilah, EX-BESTFRIEND? or exbestfriend forever? ade tak haa? mcm tak betul je? kate best friend forever, tp ade ex? ahh. tak faham lah aku. =.= haha. jawab je lah :)

so, esok, ke johor. so please tell me, that i'm gonna get my laptop back after this. hahh. rindu dell tuu. haha. so, barangkali trus ke singapore. yeahhh! hmm. lepas tu, hr ahad, SMS gathering :D hehe. tak saba ;D about 7 hours will be there HEHEE. 

okeilahh. so rase nak jawab soalan td, please la jawab. best ape comment. rase malas, ha, padan muke korg sape swo bace. -____-
ps : sebenanye. aku bosan 

 ohho, kinder bueno-ing
Kau ibarat permata di dalam hiasan kaca

Yang tak bisa disentuh
Namun hanya boleh dipandang

Ingin sekali ku sentuh
Ingin jua ku memiliki
Kau selalu membuat hatiku merasa berat
Dan kau yang selalu ada
Saat semua pergi
Bagaimana mungkin
Untuk kau mengerti

Kini telah ku sedari
Mimpiku tak bererti sendiri

haha, aku pon tak faham knape lagu ni asyek berpusing2 dlm kpale aku. hmm. dahlaa. post yg ni, tade kne mengena pon dgn lagu nihh. hmm.

spanjang holidays ni, aku rase aku bnyk waste time. trutame kat fb, blog, youtube and so what ever related with this laptop. hahh. mayb tatau nak wat ape dah kot. okei fine, i should study maybe. spm dah dekat. haha. mcm nak gelak jeh? but. itulah hakikatnya. spm bukan mcm pmr. kalau pmr kite study 3 tahun untuk exam ni. tp kalau spm, even study 2 tahun untuk ni, tp pelajaran die mcm 5 tahun punye =.= hahh. malasnyeeeeee. 

biarlahh. cabaran. haha ;) sabtu ni, cadangnye nak g mid ngan sms. tp, minah & muhaimin tak dpt g sabtu kne g ahad. so, takde pluanglah. hmm. ajak amir nadhirahla. boleh? :) ajak iman pon okei. tp die tu mcm sengal smacam pulak. haha, tgk kan dah berterus terang ha. ahh. -____- who cares.

hmm. smalam, my lovely aunty zila call, beria ria nak mintak pinjam novel. haha. nasib baik la aku ni bermurah hati. hahh. tinggal brape je tah novel aku tggl. org pinjm2. huhh. biarjelah. ahh, knape tentang novel pulak ni? hmm. 

sunway, nnt lah criter. tp nak criter jugak. tp nanti. ehh sukatilah. blog aku. hehh. ok fine -____- tade idea nak tules ape senanye. haha. dah la,bye
hahh, tepat dan padat ;) ape nak jadi, jadilahhh~

14 June 2010

HAHH. LOOSER -_____-

out of my mood

well, not about sunway for now. out of my mood -_______-

now, lets talk about something valuable in life. huhh. just now, i had a short conversation with my old bestfriend in standard 4. hahh. see, i miss the old time. i miss the moments. and i wish i was the happy-little-girl again. hahh, who tells u i'm not happy? i am happy. but not as much as i was. 

hahh, i remembered we burnt the recess time just to find the little tiny creature. and how we place it in the bekas ubat. haha. ohh, i miss that time. kan? hee. hahh. i miss it badly. hmm. and i just remembered qushwa is one of us too. haha, yeahh. hmm

skrang sume tak mcm dulu lg. almost everything is change. hahh. kalau dulu, aku just buat ape yg aku nak. enjoy the great every days. but now, macam .. entah? asyik kne solve problems je. tak habes2. tak masalah kite. masalah org. kadg2 rase mcm nak hidup sendiri. ataupon hidup dgn org yg betul2 faham kite. tak retilah nak cakap cnne. 
yet, forever is not the conclusion. hahh. tgk, aku sorg je yg faham. even aku pasti, tak siapa pon yg faham aku. yg kenal siape aku. or even yg cube knal n faham aku. hah. betullah, bile kite dah hilang sesuatu tu, br kite sedar btape tingginye value die dlm life kite. atau maybe slalunye di kaburkan dgn anasir2 yg jadi parasit dalam hidup ni. for now, maybe its look like the best in our eyes. but who knows, org lain yg nampak kburukan nye pade diri kite. kita je yg beria ria, deny kan. hahh. i dont understand maybe. but it seems like semua org macm same je? hahh

i wish my life was a fairytale. name pon fairytale, everything is great. still, its a wish or most likely a dream would not come true. haha. i work on it. hahh. i dream a life that is full of wonderful kids and nice person. see, i love kids so much. its a feeling that not everybody have. its a gift. the kids can easily make me smile through my hard times. its amazing. and i actually dont have any idea why many people abusive, ignoring and dont love them. hahh. i totally hate them. burrr. they are beautiful creature. hee, now i miss my aina, dina, hazim, ikhwan, aysha iman, and the nice boys and girls in the family. hahh, now, its about dreamed life. haha.

i want to be happy for the most time in my life. thats all, nothing wrong with that right? hah, more problems coming. i trust myself. hmm. just, i dont feel anything when i look at you my dear so called sister. hahh. sombong smacam prempuan ni. okey. kan,semua dah bercampur aduk. adeyhh. =.=  i just dont get it. penat laa.i wish to be kid forever~ hmm. yarr, life must go on. just pray for the better :)

dahlaa, tamau melalut lagi. ohh yaa, this is actually not craps. it just burst out of my mind. and its totally from my heart. hahh. i miss u old times ;)

ps : "okay i'm done. byebye." GOOD JOB -_____- tak fikir lansung an prasaan org? fikir aku ni ape? ROBOT jepun? burr~ ohh, sy pon boleh buat jugak. hahh. sakitt~ 

i dont want to be penyelesai masalah org for the whole of my life, wasting my time yg akhirnya, dorg tak pandang pon, its super menyakitkan prasaan . ohh, i just miss my super duppy amazing big families! 

13 June 2010

3 days is not enough

heee :) so, dah 2 hari lebih echah tak online. haha, itupon kecoh =.= so? burr, just come back from sunway! :) sunway tu, nnt2 lah criter yeh. mmg super best punyer. haha. paling banyak memalukan diri. hahh. mmg echah mcm tu kan? drr. dahhlaa. yg penting nak tdo. penat tau tak? :D

09 June 2010

the 80

why am i decide to post the 80 entry. err -_____- ? 
haha, sukahatilahh. its 12:25am now. i think minah is buzy with our blog. and she ask me to find the songs. and i tried to find that. and at the end, i was like, err, how to find it? haha. 

check it out babe. hee~ now, you'll know, sms stands for what. yarr. its actually change my life a lot. now i know, the truly means of happy. and let the sadness flows with the air. and how i interact with the peeps. i'm not a shy girl anymore. i'm now freely do what i want. as long as its not menyalahi peraturan. i be so talkative. outspoken. happy menyala2. just be a very kiddie. run here and there. laugh out loud. be funny. and enjoy the life. yaa. this friendship is actually taught me a lot. haa. the best friendship i've ever had.

its not about the annoying part of muhaimin. its about how we gone through the friendship. and to you who asked me, tahan ke kau dengan muhaimin? my answer, why not? he's great for me. haha. -iklan

spanjang friendship ni, ramai org panggil kitorg teletubbies. ehhee. entahlahh dorg panggil muhaimin je ke teletubbies tu. but they said, "geng" teletubbies. so its point to us too. haha. whatever. and ade jugak yg panggil gbm. its our adik2. gbm stands for geng budak mesra. haha. OR geng banyak mulut. still. what ever. but we still call ourself sms. 

playing is the best part of this relationship. you know, kejar2, nyanyi2, etc. thats bring a lot of laughter in this group. sampaikan ade yg pernah cakap kat aku, korg punye geng ni happy je. haha. hmm. 

but still ade salah faham sket2 tu ade. but, yelah. lidah lagikan tergigit. husband and wife pon gaduh. apatah lg kitorg. but as long as kite sedar, kite kawan :)hmm. so pray for this relationship. may it always in God's bless. Ameen :) ILOVEYOU

and to my pakcik ogee an pakteh tersyg. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :) may Allah bless u always :) adakah ini suratan? atau kebetulan? hmmm~

see, its already 11. 28am. haha, laptop pnye pasal smalam =.=


and the thing now is saya macam buku. err, ayesha, tade perumpamaan lain ke? -____- hah, whatever. see, i don't care. the best is when u try to find me. where as, i'm actually just there. and i know you're struggling to find me. at last, you found me. andd...

ble dah habis, you're just like, "ok i'm done, byebye" and u leave me with the crap. haha, you're so nice. so good. well done. but u see, i'm not done with you. until u take back all the crap on my head. huhh. chah, no need to say all this. burr. 

dan knape buku? err, entahlaa. suddenly came out from the mind. penat laa awk. asyik kne perah otak je. hahh, at last, awk lupe jugak. hmm. dah laa, sy malas nak criter. saya dah biasa pon. dan the facts is actually you have no idea. see, how useless i am. burr. sakitlaa. 

tapi takpe. sy tak kesah. 
hmm, hi my friends, takpayah bace lg yeh yg kat atas tu. craps. saje nak luahkan prasaan tanpe memberitahu sesiapa. burr. oh ye, ini adalh post sy yg ke 79. satu lagi post sbelum sampai ke 80. kenape tak tunggu 100? sebab 80 ni bawak bnyk makne dlm hidup sy. hmm. so, welcome to my world. =.= hahh, what i'm talking about?

burr. luse nak g sunway. yeahh. its a good feel. but see, ayah book on the wrong time. time pakcik azmi nak kawin laa time tu kne book. burr. ehh, tak kesah laa. and i would spend my time on the ice rink!!! thats the best part. and iman is with me! :D hee, sbb die paling rapat dengan sy. wahh. baguss :)

hmm. well, nexweek, SINGAPORE! yeah, i love it. at least i dont have to stay in the house and doing nothing =.= 

ok lahh. byebye

 tringin nak main benda ni. ohh, i miss aussie!

07 June 2010

*click to see detail :)


hah, now its about mamat desperate yg wujud dalam fb. haha, see, i wrote him a  message. hah. first, he IM me at fb. u see, sy tak suke layan. layan pon skadar ohh dan ahha. then soalan lazim yg biase ditanyakan oleh lelaki gatal tak sedar diri. duk mane? form bpe? kelas ape? burr. i asked him back before i answer the quest. then i know, die skola kat btho. form 5 s*&^%# and his name is aizat. then he asked me to go out with him. hey boy, do you really think i'm stupid? grr. then he asked me whether i have a bf. and i say yes. i have bestfriends. u know, bf can stands for many meaning and i knw he means that as boyfriend. drr. 

whatever. than, he asked me for borang? and i say what borang? than he say borang jadi boyfriend. drr. u know sy dah rse sgt geli geliman disitu. brr~ then sy kate its okay i dont need such thing. see, who knows me, know me. rite? and i say, i dont need that such coupling. then guess what, he laugh at me. and i was like, what the hell is this guy? aku kate la balik. dr layan couple2 ni, better layan bestfriend sy. he laugh again at me. and last word i say is, ohh, dan better sy layan bestfriend sy dr layan awk. then die tules "sy pon tanak layan awk yg bergigi jongos. hahahahaha" 

and i was there like, so what? like i care? burr. bloody hell. and after i have a deep thinking. i am thousands better than him. u see. he is the one who im me and asked me such quest at the first place. and after kne tolak mentah2, he just like humiliate me back. adakah itu lelaki sejati atau sebnanye, cetek otak. ha, kan dah kne.  need a boo from me? and at last, i just want him to know that he is such a craven=.=

omg, u see. ure the one who actually too desperate to have a girlfriend. and thats show how you have a very cetek punye pemikiran. God, sorry, i dont need to worry if you not layan me. caused u re the one who asked me that at the first place. and now, you humiliate me with that jongos. ohh do you think i care? as long as i have a brilliant brain, youre actually humiliate your self. ohh i'm not gonna crying like a little kid being bullied. sorry for not accepting you as a boyfriend and i actually dont need a friend like you. yes, i meant it when i say better sy layan my bestfriend than you because they love me and i love them no matter how jongos my teeth are. and i actually have no idea why are you embarrassing ur self. ohh, i dont care. my life has nothing to do with u, jerk. sorry for telling u this. but, goodbye craven.

hope you will have a better thinking Aizat. hee~ bye :D

haha, actually i dont care what he thinks of me. he's not someone in my life. just want him to know, he don't deserve anything from me. burr. CRAVEN. BOOOO

why am i posting this. just want you to know, these people is still live in the surroundings. very the cetek punye kpale -_____________-
I think i just miss my friends. is that okei? 

I"M TALKING TO Minah and Muhaimin. HAHA, THTS GREAT :D

05 June 2010

the reality

u see, its the second day of holidays, and i already feel like nak mati. grr~ diulangi, saya tak suka holidays. hehh. pagi td, g tusyen, mr brian comel buat spelling. ohh good. and u know i act really stupid bler tak tego kakak tu lansung. padahal die duk sebla aku n satu team ngan aku. seriously menyesal giler. nnt tak pasal, die cakap aku sombg. padahal, tenga ngantuk gler. tgh takde mood nak study. err. ikutkan hati, tanak g tusyen. hehh

bialahh, dah lepas means lepas. kan? n now, amir and nadhira is watching the transformer dvd. yeah great. seriously, i miss iman. haha. shes rite here in btho, but u know, this morning, i called here almost 3 times, and the bibik says, tiade yg bangun lagi. wahh, good. ohh, ibuayahadik pergi kenduri. n aku malas nak kluar, so, tperap lg kat rumahh.hehh.

smalam, chat ngan minah kat fb. nak tau lbih lanjut sila ke blog die. ape yg diceritakan, minah especially, semua yg aku kluarkan, tiade tapisan dr hati aku. ape yg buat aku happy bile org2 skeliling aku happy. tak kirala sape pon die. yaa, this is me. just want the best in all her life. hmm, problem yg mcm tu tak perlu fikir bnyk knape dan mengape. the most important thing is, macam mne nak selesaikn supaya kite tak terseksa lg. and its good when u take the value in it. sbb tu tuhan bg ujian. and that makes us not to repeat the same mistake. hahh. ohh, i'm not going to story more. its about us. what do you care?

urr, hari hujan. dalam hati, jgnlaa ade guruh ade petir. hehh. i'm wondering what all my friends are doing? adynn maybe in the flight to jakarta rite now. minah? entah. qys, br je tgk die online. muhaimin pon entah. fara? taktau, or should i say i don't know what they are doing. tq. hehh, ape la budak ni mrapu? 

dahlaa. time to have lunch. cheers :)

question today : why do people always hurting themselves for no good reasons?

haha, tapayah la jawab. buat susah jee. hehh. first day cuti. 2 weeks and 1 day to go. haha, sebnanye, aku tak suke cuti. but its good cuti dr exam. but still i dont like cuti bile tpakse duduk terperap kat rumah. all i can do is, sleep, eat, surf, watch and walk. sumpaa bosan yg amat. dan bile terjadinye perkara sebegitu, echah start la lemah2 badan. tau tak, echah mmg taleh duduk diam. ntah, kalau duduk je mcm ni, sakit kpale, sakit pinggang. hmm. 

at least kalau sekolah, boleh jalan2, mrayau ke. ape ke. ye tak? dahhlaa, next friday nak g sunway :) haha, nk balun ice rink. nak itu, nak ini, oh ye, nak shopping. hmm. 

naik cuti ni, aku tanak main2 dahh. kalau boleh, aku nak study betul2. tahun depan je pluang aku nak capai impian2 aku. spm. hmm. what in front of me rite now is my life. and i would like to makesure my future even as great as now. seriously dtg dr hati aku, aku takut grown up. faham tak? takut sgt. 

i want my future life would be just happy, and sederhana. aku tak perlu jd millionaire as long as i am very happy with the life then its enough. pray for the best. :)

hmm, sebnanye, dah idea nak tulis ape. and probably i wish my life is mysterious as nur amina, happy and loving as abby scuito, strong as ziva david and gibbs. brave like tony and genius like mcgee. ohh. i wish i live in theirs. herrh, tapayah mrapu chah. life kau dpn mate lg terbaik :)

 the reality isn't that nice my friend, u just don't have any idea rite? what ever is it, i will always stand and move on.  

and ohh, to my dearest cikgu madu aka ckg hani azlina, good luck for everything. take care and thank you :)

ps: sape la yg baik hati nak ganti ckg yg baik ni? err, bdebar. weyh, stiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan. :(

04 June 2010

ITS FINALLY holidayss :) hahh, 2 weeks, bersenang lenang, err, knape tak 3 minggu je tros? exam pon 3 minggu -________- haha, ahh tak kesahh, yg penting cuti :D

haha, ayah book sunway resort maksu ija punye. haha, ahh tak kesah la memane pon asal dpt hols. hehe. so, sarawak. err, entah laa, rasenye? :)
hari first, flight pukul 3 lebih camtu. check in pukul 12 lbih. hehh. then makan dlu ape sume, masuk flight la. airasia sudahh. ta perlu nak bazir duit dalam mas smatemate nak duduk 1 jam stengah. hehh. bolehla. tapi dlm flight asyek gaduh ngan nadia je. tahpape je tah budk ni =.=

sampai kat sne, amik teksi g hotel. then kluar dinner dkt sarawak waterfront kot? ahha, same je mcm kite pnye food. esoknye, sewa kreta. then g tgk longhouse. hahh. serious, kalau suro aku duduk sni sebulan tatau la boley tahan ke tak. life kat situ, not bad. but, totally different dari life kite kat sini. haha. ape yg korg akan nmpak bile masuk lantai die adalah smate2 buluh :)

lps tu, g tgk org utan. ini besa punye. kalau die peluk, 3 orang pon muat. haha. tapi die dah tua. hehh. pastu makan kat tmpt smalam tu. esoknye, g cultural village. tempat ni, die show semua culture kat sni. okei jugak. half day journey. n kat sni, aku jumpe org makan ulat. -________- ulat tu dah la busuk, gemok2 plak tuu. eeiiiww. wekk. bg sepulo ringgit pon aku tak snggup nak try. grr~ pastu g sunday market die. yg sebnanye bukan sunday pon. bayangkan die bukak kedai pukul11 pg sampai 11 pg esoknye. tak tdo ke dorg ha? hehh. kat situ mcm biase, jual souvenir yg smemangnye mahal. haha. 
esoknya, g waterfront tu lagi. haha. pastu g airport. flight delay smpai pukul 5. =.= burr. sabajelaa. sampai rumah, pukul 11.30 mlm. then mase tulah, aku br sedar yg aku br bace agama sikit je. haha. hmmm.

exam midyear, tapayah citer laa. sume mmg macam nak kene cekik je. hehh. tp okei laa. boleh tahan. hehee~ tak perlu lahh fikir lagi. skarang enjoy the holidays :)

02 June 2010

The smile on your face
Lets me know
That you need me
There's a truth
In your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says
You'll catch me
Whenever I fall
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all