
18 May 2012

I miss us

Hari ke sembilan form 6. Well okay, everything was just.... good, i guess. Um um, I dont know. I mean, a part of it has been so nice to me. But, the other half. Sigh. I need to learn focusing in class. The teachers? Just fine. But the classmates.... Omg :( I need someone to talk. 3 years in a row, I had Adynn, Mira and Mamin by my side. Now I'm all alone. Okay bukan lah takde, ada sorang tu, girl nama dia ecah jugak, comel gila bila gelak, baik. Eh ada salwa. haha. But I have to admit, some of my classmates are just so annoying -,- Please, I dont need you to tell me what to do. Gah I'll get use to it. To everything. Masa rehat ada diorang. Kalau diorang tinggal aku, aku simbah sos cili satu baldi. Merajuk, serious. Masa recess lah aku paling excited. and masa balik. hahahaha. K whatever. I need to stay strong and keep on going. Its hard and hurt uhh. So Muhaiminah, shahzani and muhaimin, I need to tell you this, I'm so so so so so glad having you guys around. Its like, bila kau lapar nak mampus tak makan setahun, tetiba kau jumpa nasi ayam satu bungkus panas-panas. Thats how it feels. Really. 

So esok, Fara nak pergi UNITEN dah. Tipu besar lah kalau aku cakap aku tak sedih. But yeah, Life. Fara, jaga diri elok-elok. Cari kawan lagi baik dari kitorang, cari kawan yang boleh bimbing kau. Jaga diri baik-baik. I love you so much, sister :) And ingat, kita tengah lawan pointer :p Hahaha

Selamat Hari Guru sangat Hahaha. Rindu. Letih aku korek gambar-gambar ni -,- Thank you for everything, teachers. I love you :* Oh ye, rindu cikgu Fifah. Bila masuk form 6, jumpa balik dengan cikgu-cikgu, diorang happy tengok ada kitorang haha. Rindu :(

So, Its a lot different now. I now completely hate growing up. Qistina was right. Growing up means drifting apart. Both, different point, same meaning. Its hurt so much being the only one struggling to fix in, struggling to make things work. Struggling everything to make sure nothing's going wrong. I damn hate it now. I am asdfghjkl all the time now. I mean, cries all the time -,- Yeah korang nak cakap apa, cakap lah. No, seriously, I dont care.  


1 comment:

miaww said...

i do get your feelings. it sucks. feeling ripped apart from your very beautiful world. i used to felt it. used to cry so much for it but yeah, your friend is definitely right. growing up sucks. it means drifting apart. i had forgotten how did i move on and get myself back together but i guess its about fitting in. focus on the positive side and fit in :)

we're in the same class btw. hope im not the annoying one ;) n if i did something uncmfrtable n cudnt realize it, please do alert me :DD