
22 February 2011

So now is already 1.25am in the morning. And i haven't sleep yet. Lot works to do. Now I understand what was my old friend told me once. "You'll be tired as hell right when you entering form 5" Yarr. I don't know why I take the responsibilities. I should be studying like hell. Not tired like hell :( Err, I don't like to use the 'hell' but I don't know what other words suit the sentence. Pffft

Hurh. Today has Koko. Its KRS again :) HEhe. Now, we always go to the counselling room whenever there's free time. I feel much better there. And I don't know why. Its the same feeling when I am home. or Farabi. Feel free. Feel like flying. 

Seekor katak masuk dalam kolam toink. Oh damn, i dont know what to write. Oh ya, my mum promised me to buy the intuos drawing tablet. Damn COOL :D Ehehee :)

There goes the broken English. Hah. almost 2. night

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