please people, dont sempitkan hati. jgn sempitkan akal. jawabnye, korg jadilah loser. hmm. okay, aku pon loser jugak. so what? loser will win someday with loads effort. bile hati korg bukak. adeyh, siapalah aku nak berbicara seperti ni? siapa nak dengar pon? dahlaah.
well, skola tadi, quite good. i'm doing my works. haha. drr, not that. just nak cakap, pade awak, dont annoys me. sakit mata dan tlinga. sy pandang awak, tapi sebenarnya sy nampak view blakang awk lebih jelas.
huhh, loser. and, sy tak peduli awk nak tau atau pun tak, tapi saya BENCI orang yg suka pandang rendah dekat org lain. sorry, itu mmg saya sejak azali. siapapon yg kau memandang rendah, it doesnt matter, but this world not fully yours. and the most important is, mengata org paku serpih, mengata org kau pon lebih2 buruknya. tak tau malu.
okaylahh, skarang criter pasal Hari Bicara Akedemik 2010. haha, skarang aku syg gilaa dkt teacher azlina :D haha, apekau echah? -___- pagi2, mr excited call. ajak aku pegi skolah jalan kaki. dahlaa br bangun. haha, takde maknenyaaa. hehe, sory apip. then, siapsiap, around 8.25am, gerak hantar nadiah syarah smart reader. pastu skolahlahh. ramai jugak org ade. then terjumpa adynn and apip. say hi. then panjat gunung berjawatan tangge.
suddenly, "Hari-hari boleh kurus ni," and i was like, err, ibu, macam nilah harihari. so, skarang kesian kat ayesha tak? haaha, apelah ibu. heheh. masuk kelas, ternampak ckg rabidah (?) then die briefing dlu. dalam result aku, die kate, dah okay if i work harder next time. hahah. and bla bla blaa. sterusnya, teacher azlina. die kata aku aktif sgt. kdudukan dlm klas, tapayah ckp laah, second last doe. semua sbb aku ta dtg chemist. and teacher ckp, if tak kire chemist, kdudukan aku belas2. wahh. tersengih je aku. haha, then, byebye ckg. thx for the good talks about me :)
haha, slamat doee. sebenarnya an, aku taleyh on9 smpai aku btul2 tunjuk sgale effort dpn mak aku. but, no, i will not work harder just in front of ayah and ibu je. but, i promise, i'll makesure, i'll work harder till hardest and until the fullest come to be my forever friend. i sure will :) insyaallah. the love will shows :)
oh ye, 2 weeks to go, for klantan, and next month, ayah akan berangkat ke Jeddah :'( see, i cannot pretending i'm not sad. duhh. siapa approve interview ayah ni?! dahlaaa, apepon i'll sure pray for you superdad :D i will miss you. ohh, dahla smpai hujung tahun. tak ke sakit? hmm. ibu cakap, if ayah keja kat sne, chances aku nak masuk U kat overseas luas. Insyaallah. this the way Allah have decided :)
p/s : one of my big dream is, brings along the people i love with me fly to the best part of life. the fullest.
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