
03 July 2010

come on,

I'm thinking about something out the box but it still in the box but the box always my box that the box not others box, and the box remind me of everything. and the box is my thought box. hah, box is a box. but my box is amazingly create by The Great Allah. I'm thankful. 

lots of people have their opportunity, but they dont use it wisely. apekela babeng nye kome ni? adeyhh. haha. tadikan kat fb ok, it means baru je. haha. chatting with ckg hani azlina tersayang. OMG, tau tak, it makes me miss her so much. haha, comel je chat ngan ckg ni. padahal dulu, slalu je ponteng klas die. haha. kan muhaimin? adeyhh.

beliau ni, baik gilaa ohh. haha. RINDUUU. *echah, apekah? -.-

okay done with that, dan kpade awk, sy tak faham ape yg awak nak. susah sgt ke nak appreciate org sket. jgn cari salh org je tak habes2. padahal awk pon dua kali lima spuloh. penat je cakap, last last masuk tlinge kanan, kluar tlinge kiri. saya admit, saya terasa gilaa gila punye dgn awak. br saya perasan, awak tak pernah pon hargai kami ni. sy penat lah

lepas tu, barula nak mengaku yg bukan2, padahal bukan dtg dr hati awk pon. sy penat. sy penat, sy penat. haha. bacelah sampai habes kalau nak tau siapa awak.

  kau paham paham sndri lah ye
*a round of applause :)

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