
10 June 2012

I'm not that strong.

Well, Assalamualaikum :) So, harini kelas pukul 3. Okay... hmm. nampak tak, takde modal nak cakap apa. Tepat seminggu aku kat sini. So far, okay je lah. But i really miss home. And wanted to cry everytime aku teringat Ibu, Ayah, Nadiah Syarah, rumah, Muhaiminah, Muhaimin, Shahzanie, Qistina :\ Aku tak tahu sampai bila aku nak macam ni. Banyak benda yang aku fikir. Banyak sangat. Siapa yang jaga adik2 aku kat rumah, itu dan ini. Its okay, I leave it to Allah. 

Dekat sini I'm all alone. I mean, nobody cares if aku dah makan ke, nobody cares if aku menangis, if aku sakit. Its true. No one yang boleh jaga aku macam Ibu Ayah, and perfect nine jaga aku selama ni. Aku dah lama tak gelak seikhlas hati. Jujur aku tak happy dekat sini. Since Fara punya jadual memang different dari aku, susahhh sangat nak jumpa :( I miss Fara so much :( Masa yang best pon bila Nisha, my new friend and my classmates Yas, Dila Ecot, ada. Tapi tak sama rindu gila rumah. Yeah maybe nanti, since aku pon still baru kat sini kan ~.~ But Alhamdulillah, i manage to do everything well. Studies pon okay. Cuma acc, susah sikit, everytime aku nak cuba paham, mesti rasa nak nangis. Takde siapa yang tolong terang kat aku bila aku tak faham. Fikiran tengah bercelaru sebenarnya. bercelaru sangat-sangat :( 

Sejak aku keluar rumah, aku rindu sangat-sangat dekat ibu, ayah, nadiah and syarah. Oh man, I miss them so much. So muchhhhhhh :'c And yeah, jumaat ni, balik KL XD yeayyyyyy. Tak sabar nya rasa :') Tapi 3 hari je :( Hmm

P/s : Ibu, Ayah, Nadiah and Syarah, I love you more than I love my self or anything else in this world. I'll sacrifice my life for you. You are my everything. I cant live without you. Ya Allah, guide us to Jannah. Alhamdulillah, I'm so grateful having them in my life. Ya Allah, lindungi kami dari sebarang malapetaka, bencana, dunia dan akhirat, manusia2 yang berniat jahat, berhasad dengki, menabur fitnah, penyakit-penyakit berbahaya. Ya Allah, I love them so much. So muchhhhhhhh! :') Sha sayang ibu ayah nadiah and syarah sangat-sangat. I miss you so muchhhh :'c

They're my heart, my soul, my life, my everything, my love, my smile, my laughter, my jannah and the reason for who I am today and in the future.   I love you so much!!!

and best friends, thank you for everything. Please, dont leave me. I love youuuuuuuu :') So much. Korang tahu korang siapa kan :) I'll never forget you. I promise. Hold my words.  

1 comment:

FNBE said...

Salaam Ayesha sayang.. Inilah namanya kehidupan.. when we reach one level of life.. you have to go somewhere in order to achieve something more of life.. caused Allah swt created life as dynamic.. He wants us to keep move-on.. that's why solah is 5 times a day as so much can happened in a day and He wants us to always have His Gracious Arm to rely on.. As a Muslim remember we have Allah as our Greatest Protection, The Most Friendly Friend when we feel lonely.. 1st Love should be Him as other than that your Ibu, Ayah, adik2, your 9 bestfriends all are only His nikmat to you.. His makhluk & tak kekal.. we can come & when is our time to leave we have to go.. but Him He will always be there for you.. That's why ibu amanahkan Allah kepada Ayesha as only Him the Best.. Sentiasa mengadu kepada Allah hanya Dia yg boleh hilang segala kesusahan, sedih, dan pastikan we are protected..selamat Dunia & Akhirat..