
20 March 2012

Its Today.

Actually..... I have a lot of things I want to write just now. But now. Sigh, always happen to me. Okay just.... lets start.
So semua orang tahu kan, harini hari apa? Rabu. 21st March 2012. Hari result spm keluar. ye semua orang tahu. I know. Err okay, nampak I takde idea nak tulis apa. Hmm so aku rasa apa? At some times I tell you, I dont feel anything. I mean like seriously, macam tak risau langsung. But today. I woke up, and I sit and I was just starring at my phone thinking about what the result will come out. Will I be happy, will I be rich with As. Lol queserasera, you know that song? My all time favorite. And the feeling goes on until this minute. 

And me pergi sekolah tadi. Helping ustazah saripah preparing the files and sijil for tomorrow. She's on MC. So no one's there to help, she called me. So I step out and become a hero. Lol riak -,- Astagfirullahalazim. And thanks akmar for helping me. Walaupun tak banyak aku buat muehehehe :3 Sorry. Jumpa cikgu hasmalaili haha. oh dia cakap dia baca blog aku. omg malu :O Pandai jugak kaklaili ni cari XD 'Saya baca separuh, panjang sangat' Haha so I will tulis panjang2 lagi, hahaha, semoga dia tak baca dah. And dia mengaku dia rindu aku lol 

Okay and next dua tenuk kembar tu datang sekolah semata-mata nak jemput aku. Jemput? pergi mana? Biarlah rahsia and thanks bonda hantarkan <3 But awww, so sweet of you twins ;p and finally after 2 months plus plus aku dapat tengok muhaimin. Dia kurus lah jugak, but gelap muehehehe :p sumpah kelakar gila bila dia jalan sambil tutup muka XD and by that time, i know, that i miss him so much. Welcome back bro. Its not too late. Wehehe

Dekat sekolah, everytime ada cikgu nampak aku je, dari jauh dah lambai dengan senyuman melebar. excited lah pulak diorang hahaha. I wish I could see them smiling like that again sooner. and I am a part of the reason why. Ya Allah kuatkan hati hambaMu ini. Sebenarnya aku redha dah awal awal apa pun result aku. Perasaan parents aku, perasaan cikgu cikgu aku yang paling aku risau menggigil sekarang ni :( Sumpah aku taknak kecewa kan diorang. It hurts me so much. Bila tak dapat gembira kan diorang :( Dulu everytime dapat fail je aku tak heran sangat dengan marks. But bila tengok muka cikgu2 aku. Hmm. Rasa bersalah tak terhingga. 

Okay enough. I gonna be strong no matter what happen. Apa pun, Allah dah tentukan. Baik buruk aku terima. Insyaallah aku redha. Aku tawakal. And bersedia untuk cabaran masa depan. Okay bila serious ni lah jadinya, ayat nak pekat habis. 

'Tawakal ayesha, you're not going to be worried anymore'
'Apapun keputusan tak kisah lah, just buat azam, untuk the next challenge, U, matriks, foundation or anything you gonna do the best'
'Positive thinking Ayesha'
'Aku doa supaya result kita semua okay. aku sebut nama korang semua' 
'Apa pun result awak, jangan tak datang jumpa cikgu. They will appreciate so much if you come and say thanks no matter how your result is'
'We take what come and we keep on going'
'Saya excited ni nak tangkap gambar dengan awak esok'
'Ecah budak baik kan. Jangan risau sangat okay' 
'Ayesha, all the best! whatever it is, Allah dah tentukan after your usaha, so just be grateful and chill :) that is the best for you.. :)' 

Lines that light up the spirit in me walaupun sikit. Thank you so much. It actually made me feel better. And thanks for the wishes and prayers, dear friends, seniors, juniors, teachers, cousins, and families :) I appreciate it so much.

So guys, its the day........ 
Ya Allah, please make me stronger. 


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