
14 March 2011

Everybody knows about Tsunami in Japan last Friday. Japan? Oh, tringat ckg cantik kat sana. Be safe everyone. My prays for you :) Tanda kiamat makin hampir. Yelah, bila pulak makin jauh? -.- Ya Allah, lindungi kami dari sebarang bala bencana yang Engkau turunkan. 

So, today is Monday and cuti march seminggu. But, mcm takde cuti je untuk aku. Sabtu Ahad and today, seminars teknik jawab soalan. Not bad. Tak rugi pon dtg :) And tomorrow ada kawad, when I suppose to attend Art class with ckg Halijah :( And Adynn kata minggu ni straight latihan. and i was like, No way.. Tak mampu. Bukan pentingkan diri. bukan cakap tak serupa bikin. bukan tak setia. bukan lepas tangan. Obviously I am tired. Macam dah maleh dah. I have lot of works to do. and its like no end. grr. tgklah cemana nnt. 

So, how about the tests? Huh, addmath is super duper easy. ok blagak. pfft. stakat masuk 5 bab kacang tapayah ckp lah cah. math confirm Alpha ramai dpt 100. ahaha aku? harapan. chemistry? huh. boleh laa. 

Nextweek, pergi johor :) Graduation Day ibu. Oh finally :) hehe. and then celebrate birthday budak domok si Nadiah kat sana terus :) 

and last not least,

Happy Belated Birthday to my sister, Nur Syazanadiah.  
Happy Birthday to my super duper awesome cousin, Iman Zahirah Zaidi

I love you guys so much :) 

okay, sila belanja tiket wayang sekeping  :)   


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