
27 October 2010

congratulations :)

well, facebook really help me a lot :) haha, first of all, i wanna say, CONGRATULATIONS to my Aunty Aju for having new baby :) tambah sorg lagi cicit Abas, and team bola. oh my.. I miss them :D and beloved maksu squared, Dr Nazatul Zahirah. for ur graduation in medic :D omg, seriously admire dorg sgt2! >< 

kalau la boleh curi otak mereka, ow man! damn >< i miss them a lot! huh. and bad news, i couldnt make it this 4 december ! yang ni, rasa nak nanges je :'( huaaaa. rindu pangkor, rindu kuala kangsar, rindu cameron :( rindu diorang! hmm.

exam, was not bad. yeah, mula2 rasa nak give up bio, sbb sedar tak habes hafal, hanya bace sepintas lalu. you have to throw this attitude away ecah. but, yarr, i make it well. hope not 12 per hundred again. no, no no. it wont happen. insyaallah. and tadi, first time dalam 2 weeks ni turun rehat kat bawah. haha. and yet, having fun smsers. man, rinduu dorg jugak ! >< 

rindu nak lari lari macam dulu, rindu nak simbah2 air. saba ecah, 4 hari je lagii! cepatlah masa berlalu. haha. oh ye, lama tak jenguk kelas kedua saya, farabiruni. kehkeh ^^ ape jadi entah.  sms, saya rindu kamu. mari bermain :)

saya nak jadi macam ibu saya, macam ayah saya, macam mummy saya, mcam maklong, makyong, makngah, maklang, aunty, maksu2 saya. macam uncle2 saya. saya nak berjaya macam dorg, sy nak kuat mcm dorg, sy nak dorg bangga dengan saya. go echah. go! kawan, jom kita success sama2 :) SPM 2011, come meet me with a smile. i need it. pray for me. pray for me :')


1 comment:

mumu.bobop♥ said...

Serious, aku pon rndu nak main2 ngan SMS :) jom after exam buat photoshoot ke, gathering ke. anythinga as long as kte boleh spend time dgn semua smsers