
05 June 2010

the reality

u see, its the second day of holidays, and i already feel like nak mati. grr~ diulangi, saya tak suka holidays. hehh. pagi td, g tusyen, mr brian comel buat spelling. ohh good. and u know i act really stupid bler tak tego kakak tu lansung. padahal die duk sebla aku n satu team ngan aku. seriously menyesal giler. nnt tak pasal, die cakap aku sombg. padahal, tenga ngantuk gler. tgh takde mood nak study. err. ikutkan hati, tanak g tusyen. hehh

bialahh, dah lepas means lepas. kan? n now, amir and nadhira is watching the transformer dvd. yeah great. seriously, i miss iman. haha. shes rite here in btho, but u know, this morning, i called here almost 3 times, and the bibik says, tiade yg bangun lagi. wahh, good. ohh, ibuayahadik pergi kenduri. n aku malas nak kluar, so, tperap lg kat rumahh.hehh.

smalam, chat ngan minah kat fb. nak tau lbih lanjut sila ke blog die. ape yg diceritakan, minah especially, semua yg aku kluarkan, tiade tapisan dr hati aku. ape yg buat aku happy bile org2 skeliling aku happy. tak kirala sape pon die. yaa, this is me. just want the best in all her life. hmm, problem yg mcm tu tak perlu fikir bnyk knape dan mengape. the most important thing is, macam mne nak selesaikn supaya kite tak terseksa lg. and its good when u take the value in it. sbb tu tuhan bg ujian. and that makes us not to repeat the same mistake. hahh. ohh, i'm not going to story more. its about us. what do you care?

urr, hari hujan. dalam hati, jgnlaa ade guruh ade petir. hehh. i'm wondering what all my friends are doing? adynn maybe in the flight to jakarta rite now. minah? entah. qys, br je tgk die online. muhaimin pon entah. fara? taktau, or should i say i don't know what they are doing. tq. hehh, ape la budak ni mrapu? 

dahlaa. time to have lunch. cheers :)

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