
09 May 2010

no need negative thinking

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY IBU :) thx for raising me with lots of love and care. I love you so much Nor Hayati Ramli! :)

well, haha slamat hari ibu kpade semua mak saye. ibu, mummy, mama, mak cik, umi. :) thx for being such a number 1 mother. we love you.

&& kpade yg suka suki mencampakkan anak2 anda, silalah mnyesal tak sudah skarang ye. ohh anda layak dblasah. mmg setan topeng manusia. pandai buat, pandai tanggung la bodo. 

okei, hari ni bukan nak criter pasal life aku. tapi pasal life semua org. well, tadi aku jalan2 kat blog org. boleh criter, pkare yg blaku kat diri aku everyday adelah sgt menghappy kan. at least, aku ade life yg sentiasa membuat aku ktawe dan senym tiaptiap hari. haa, best kan? hehh. cme observation yg aku bwat, sometimes bende yg kite rase mnyusahkan kite, myakitkan hati kite, permusuhan antare manusia adalah kebanyakannye dtg dari diri kite sndri. so, please refer to the title. bende ni blaku kat semua org. even me. even my friends, even my teachers. and i've see more people suffering on what they think. hehh. biarlahh, tak kesahh.

oh yee, semoga hari guru ini menjadi laah. adeyhh.
heyy, mid year exam is just around the corner, while most of my friends doing their extravaganza revision, i'm still here with the books around but my whole body is still in front of the laptop. brr

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