i don't even know what actually i'm thinking about. pmr? ntahlaa, aku rase aku tak bminat pon nak tau pasal result. everybody asking the same question. confident tak? can you get the 8As? huhh, and as usual my answer is also the same, INSYAALLAH :) Whatever the result is, aku redha. i admit tahun ni la tahun yang paling banyak main. macam pmr tu hujung jari jeh. haha.
asrama? if u ask me wheather i wanna go that place, i say dont no. ntahlahh. kalau g asrama of course a better future. hey, nak study kat overseas! kat mane pon takpe asalkan dapat pluang pngalaman blajar kat negeri orang. My dreams since I was a little kid. hmm. & if I go, i will left everythings I have here. But if not, might be my dream will not comes true. ntahlaa. but, i leave this to Allah. He the only one know what the best for me. Rite? huhh. what if i don't get there? cemane impian aku? can it be better? huhh. well, semua gantung pada rezeki. Rezeki aku kat sini, 8, 9, 10 As pon takan kemane. Tapi kalau rezeki aku kat asrama etc. 2As pon masuk jugak. depends to Him. huhh. takutlaahh.
2 years to go for me to have the real challenging life. I'm ready myself. Insyaallah, all my dreams will comes true. What ever the thing is, i will never ever let my life go sia-sia. Well, in my life now, i dont think much about boys. knape masuk boys plak ni? haha, whatever. ohh i like to use that words since... *some text missing* hahah :D faham tak? hmm. I really really want to have a success life. And becauce of that, I've made all the great people around me to be my idol. Contoh terdekat : sabtu and smalam. 19 and 20 Dec. Coach Sha and Coach Ridz. Tengok 2 3 jam, dah tahu they have a very beautiful life. The way they talk and etc. COOL! tanpa usul pekse I've make them one of my role models. haha, macam dorg buat salah. hehh. is it sounds weird to you? huhh, well thats me. I think I'm looking people in the different way they are. err,Tak salah kan?
err, aku ni cakap macam i don't have a great life nowadays. Ehh, tak, my life is so wonderful. superb! I'm so thankful that the people around me loves me for the way I am. Alhamdulillah. At least I don't have to be someone else or to be 'somebody' just bcause to make they love me. haha. entahlah, aku bace ayat ni macam ade sumting wrongs. whateverlaa. hahhaa :) buat buat faham je lah. hmm.
talk about interest and the plans for future. wah wah, ini budak result pmr die pon lom kluar dah criter pasal future. eheyy, tak salah tau! :) erm, ntahlahh. i love beautiful things. mayb because of that, i wanna be a photographer. cuz i can express the 'beautiful' in a piece of paper and let the whole world to see that, can I?. or musics? i'm recently learning guitar. interesting. anything relates to acting? yes i loves acting because ADELA. haaha but i'll makesure my dream to have bussiness come true in my young days. i will! i don't really care what kind of bussiness i will do. as long halal and can help other people make their life better then its okay. did i so over? whatever laa. haha. and the biggest dream in my life yang tak pernah brubah since boleh berfikir kot? ohh, can't tell you. haha. i'll make it first then you'll now. And fyi, not even a single person knows about this. even my mother too. i keep it as a secret until i can achieve that one day. i must.. Insyaallah. hmm.
and the biggest goal i want to achieve is to be a better muslim always.. Yes, Islam is the best way of life :) Insyaallah. i'll help myself.
p/s : again, tunggang terbalik. i'm still learning, rite? HAHA whatever :D
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