
29 December 2012

So.. in just another less than 6 hours, I'll be off to Lendu. While most of the students are going back on Tuesday. New year kan T.T Tahniahlah sambut new year jauh dari family. Tak cool man. Takpe. Ada kawan kawan. And ada kelas. Ada quiz pulak tu T.T Haha nais! 2012 has been so nice to me. Allah has given me so much to live. 

It happens to be one of the hardest year I've ever been through so far. And it has come to end. I am very grateful. Enough said, I've been living most of the days of the year 2012 to the fullest. Semua benda aku buat aku capai kepuasan tu. Alhamdulillah. New friends, new life, new problems, new everything. It was a bless for me. 

To the people whom I already knew in the past 6 months, thank you for being a part of my life and giving me memories. Thank you for being a part of my life and my heart. And one more thing... :)

Happy 18th birthday Faralina Shakirah. You do know how much I love you and miss you always. Wherever you go pls remember I am always with you. May Allah bless ur life and our friendship. Thank you for everything. And thank you Allah for this friendship. I wish you a happy life dekat Muadzam sana, future and afterlife. Take care lil sister. I miss you. 

See you when I see you Seventeen November Hehe. Assalamualaikum! & Happy new year in advanceeee!

27 December 2012

Christmas break. What? :O

So it is Christmas Break everyone! Hampir sebulan aku biar blog ni tanpa makanan. Dan harini, berkat janji yang kita dah buat, berkat kekuatan mata menahan mengantuk, ayuh, teruskan membaca. Eh. Pulak dah. Tinggal 3 hari lagi je cuti. And baru nak kasi bersih sawang blog ni? Obviously I am having a very busy holiday. Haha. The first four days of break, I balik Penang uolls. I dont even remember when did the last time balik sini. Raya 2 tahun lepas I guess? Oh entahlah. And yeah I miss Penang so much :c

Stayed at Maksu's house. Alisya Hanis baru sebulan setengah. She's shoo tiny, and pink. Hahaha. Tunggu awak besar sikit kaksha main dengan awak okay :-) Baby Hadif belum big boy lagi. Sama je aku tengok dia dari last jumpa sampai now. Haha. Masih tembam dan gewammmm nya kaksha dengan awakkkk! Dah pandai cakap sikit sikit. Aina lagilah. Potpet pot pet mulut dia. Dari awal datang, sampai lah balik, sombong betul dia -_- haha. Pergi Bukit Merah, having a daddy-daughters time. Mandi manda. Was fun, really :-) 

But still, I miss cheghas the most. I miss BITO. Haha btho -_- And already spend my wednesday and thursday veghy veghy well. Went out with my precious. Pictures play the best role. Curik dari Instagram twins. I'm sorry but maseh muah. 

Went out bowling! 

He's my man and she's my precious :*

Breakfast give us more than just foods

Her in red. 

Celebrating upcoming birthday girl

Grew up here

Aeon gila bapak lah dia punya sale.


SuperMumu in the house!

Gedik gila

Nine, rise & shine!



Spent well. Told ya :')

Okay, ayuh kita cerita pasal semester 2 pulak! Basically, we all sempat having three weeks dekat lendu before christmas break. Tell you what, 3 weeks can change the world, seriously. I mean, lotsa things happened in just 3 freaking weeks. I mean seriously, a lot. Okay enough. 

My first week dekat london, eh lendu (KAY) I was too busy, helping my friends moving out from their college to OUR college back. Dang Anum foreberrr! I am lucky to stay still at Dang Anum meanwhile, Nisa, Nad, Wani, Akak, Caca, Putih, Yanie, Kecik, Qintot tercampak merata rata rata rata. And I only managed to get Nisa, Nad and Wani back. Eceh, perasan. Macam aku sorang je tolong dorang dapat pindah sini balik haha. Terima kasih Pej. Kolej, terima kasih kak sally bagi contoh surat, terima kasih kak fuza tolong angkut barang nisa. 

Tell you, the first week is tiring but worth it. Aku menangis kat balcony. Level tak sama macam dulu dah. Everyone's telling the same freaking thing. Everyone, by mean, orang lama Anum haha. Since Tun Ali's residents moved to our college. and ramai ahli kehormat Anum tercampak keluar. It was freaking sad! So bila dapat bawak the three girls, Ya Allah, Subhanallah, satu rahmat terindah. Haa gittew kau jemah! Happy tak terhingga aku. Really :-) 

After a while, everything's get normal back. Level dah bising. Yelah, dulu tak kenal each other kan. Gitu lah jadi haha, actually aku je tak kenal dorang -.- But now. Boleh tahan bising. Macam pasar dah rupanya. Tapi dorang ni ada peak hour dia haha, bukan selalu bising. Macam kitorg dulu.. hiks. Seronok :-) 

Masuk second week I guess, hampir setiap hari lepak bilik Kak Sally, kat angelic. Bukan hampir rasanya, everyday Lol. Kenal Kak Jujie Kak Yana Kak Hajar Kak Auni. Bukan tak kenal before. Tapi kata orang, makin kenal. Eh apa apa jelah -_- Seronok :-) Kak Jujie, dulu kitorang panggil dia kakak koyok hahaha. Kak Yana, wa cakap lu, funny gila dahlah comel. rasa nak cubit je ~,~ Kak Hajar. Yang dulu tu garang gila tuuu. Yang dulu tu semua orang takut gila dengan dia. Haha ke entah, aku je kot yg takut lol. Tapi sekarang haha gelak guling guling dengan dia ni lah. dengan diorang ni lol. Kak Auni lagilah. Ya Allah aku rasa nak melompat jumpa dia. comel nak mati. Ahh dah semua org comel. Maksud aku bukan comel. I mean, comel. Derr pape jelah, aku bukan reti describe orang. Kelakar ke, garang ke apa ke semua aku ganti dengan comel. Tepape tah. Kak Auni dengan bantal petak colour brown dia. Botol air dia haha. Kak sally? Hiks, hai akak *lambai* haha. Yang dapat medal world most caring person pon kalah dengan kak sally. Caring gila sumpah.  Haritu guwa kena marah sebab tak makan tengahari. Kena paksa beli lunch. Nangis okay aku dengan nisa. Haha. Serious gila muka kak sally masa tu T.T Nampak Herbalife teringat kak sally. 

Teringat main nama buah tempat yang pilih pilih huruf masa kanak2 dulu tu dengan nisa kak auni kakhajar & kak yana dekat bridge. Senak gila perut aku gelak. Dengan Kak Yana ludah kumbang yang masuk mulut hahaha. Bercerita :) Yeah, it was one of the best memories I had so far for semester 2. 

Main ikat ikat rambut. Oh keluar outing dengan Kak Sally Kak Jujie haritu dengan Nad & Qintot. Hahah i have no idea why I am writing all this, I guess I just wanted it to be here. Memories made are not meant to be forgotten aite? Well at least, I believe in that :) Obviously, most of the days I had so far for semester 2, are great. 

Until.... I realized something I had forgotten. "Matahari akan pergi juga bila malam tiba" I had some tough time too :) I mean we. And we are trying very hard to fix everything. Lupa pasal hujan yang turun, lupa pada petir yang menyambar. Lupa pada banjir tak diduga. Honestly, I had enough of everything. I am too tired. I nearly give up. I dont understand why is it happening again and again everytime! I guess it is my fault. Kalau tak kenapa mesti jadi benda sama :\ Everyone's putting the blame on me. They dont see theirs :( Thats sadden me the most. Takpelah, maybe, it is really my fault. I dont mind, as long as everyone's happy. I will too :D Tu yang senang jadi aku. Haha. Eh? Whateber. And ohh, I met some Awesome people too!! Very glad to know them. Very happy to be called 'friend' to them. 

Annasihah. She got power in her words. She motivate me through her tweets and status. She's really a good friend too. Falil, dia gila buku. Eh kita geng ah wak! :D haha, naah, i tak kenal dia that close yet. Soon maybe :) Ayie, Farikha Akbar. I dont know, but I find her very very calm. Suka tengok muka dia, menenangkan & got that one day, she recites the doa, Subnallah, amazaaainnggg :') 

Oh oh nak bagitahu, semalam kan, saya kena twitlimit. For the first time in my life! Haha bangga pulak kejadah -_- Okay. I think thats all for today, thank you eh eh kbai. 

Assalamualaikum. Salam friday everyone!