
25 February 2012

Its already 57th

Good Mornight people. Im still in front of the laptop. Obviously right? Sigh. This week has been a lot nice to me. I'm getting better everyday. I try to shine every second of my life. It's been nice to me. Im grateful. Im happy. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah :) Well, Im trying to make my life more beautiful, and meaningful. Lets put away the hatred and be a better person. And I found it great. I admit, a lot of things inspired me lately. I found pleasure, love and greatness at the same time. That sounds interesting right? :D I'm glad that I found it. Buka mata luas luas. Buka hati sebesar besar nya. Buka minda terang terang. Buka telinga dalam dalam. You'll know exactly what I mean.

"I stand for honesty, equality, kindness, compassion treating people the way you'd want to be treated and helping those in need. To me, those are traditional values. That's what I stand for. I also believe in dance."
- Ellen DeGeneres

So I'll be meeting my best friends on Monday. Im so excited about it. And this time, qistina will join us. Yeayy. Havent see her for atleast 2 months already. I miss to see her in person. I miss to hug her. Hopefully she will make it. Amin :D 

Pray for me. Pray for me. Pray for me. Your guidance and love is all that I really need Ya Allah. 

18 February 2012

thirteen year old me

It was 5 years ago. I was in form 1. Both of us, Adynn and me were the youngest one. We were the Kumpulan Nasyid SMKBTHO2. Hahaha. For the first time I saw this picture, I was laughing so hard. I mean, look at me. Hahaha okay fine, I censored my face cause it was too.. err haha kay whatever. Oh ye, I got this from Cikgu Hasmalaili. She posted the picture on my wall. and I guess some of you have seen this? Then you know how i look like right? Please laugh. I know how weird and ugly and err i am. 

Okay well thats not the main point why i posted this picture. Looks who's in there. Berdiri dua dari kanan. Yeah. Datin Azmah. Siapa ingat dia? Haha, me ingat dia :) And I kinda miss her. Kan Adynn? :) 'Dari sekolah berbeza tapi boleh berkawan kerana minat yang sama' Her to Adynn and Qis. She was actually describing the friendship between Adynn and Qis. Well masa 1 Kualiti dulu, Datin ajar sivik. Haha it was actually the first week of school. so macam biasa lah kan, sesi pengenalan bla bla bla. Tak silap masa tu 'minat' both of them was reading kot XD hahaha kot lah. hmm. 

Tapi dekat facebook selalu nampak nama datin. send game request hahaha. datin duduk rumah main game lattew. Lol -_- So the memories remain....... 

16 February 2012


Peace be upon you people :) Macam dah lama tak update apa apa. So hi, i'm back yowww *with the hands up* Haha. Nothing much actually. Tapi nak cerita jugak. So, I nak cerita pasal a 'friend' ni. Another me maybe? Haha pernah dengar imaginary friend? Yeah lebih kurang macam tu. Sesetengah orang siap bagi nama lagi. 'Dumbo' 'LittleMe' or whatsoever. I found it cool actually. And I really do think all of us have one at least. I mean, siapa je yang tak pernah ckp dengan diri sendiri *Flips eyebrows* Ceh -_-

K enough. I just want to make the intro to be like you know adik kerepek iaitu merepek. Okay seriously hyper nya aku ni malam ni -_- I supposed dah kroh kroh dah. Sebab tadi siang aku dok menjerit hilang segala gadis melayu terakhir aku. Seriously. 

So what happened to me? Isnin, as far as I remember, i was just laying on the bed kot -_- eh entah lah. Selasa, was at the school the whole day. Rabu, haaa, my first driving license and that kakak asyik gelakkan aku jeh. haha. and balik balik my kaki was menggeletaq macam hape je. Seriously it was hard. Hmm. Mula mula tu macam nak give up. seriously. macam malas :3 But you know, thats my only chance. So balun jelah kan ;D Banyak kena belajar. Banyak gilaa -_- K. 

So today dekat sekolah since 12pm. Makan dekat Saridee pastu pergi sekolah. Orang semua tengok macam biasa haha. Budak form 1 ni tersangat lah innocent nya muka. Bilik guru pack gila -_- Oh Ikhwan Tulang tu pun ada sekali. Teman dia lah ni haha. Ada cikgu hasmalaili kesayangan. Oh kitorang pakai baju QM. dan cikgu2 tu semua macam, 'eh lawanya' hahaha -_- k bangga kaklaili Lol. Baju tu kan colour dia je yang tak berapa nak berkenan. striking yang amat haha. Alahai, rindu Quarter Master :( 

So kenapa aku menjerit jerit? Haha kawad lah apa lagi ;D Aku enjoy gila sebenarnya buat benda ni. Walaupun orang macam BUAT APA KAU G SEKOLAH HARI2 SEBAB KAWAD TU BLA BLA BLA PENAT KOT. Haha capslock aku rosak tadi. Well aku bukan jenis orang yang boleh duduk diam. seriously bukan aku. Lagi diam aku, lagi pening kepala aku. Lagi emo aku jadi Lol. K this is serious. Dan sampai sekarang aku tak faham kenapa orang boleh duduk diam 24/7 *sigh* So biarlah aku sibukkan diri dengan benda benda tu kan? Lagipun sihat. Bukan aku pergi merayau tahpape kan. Meluahkan perasaan hmm.

But seriously, school is a lot better when my best friends and classmates are all around. I miss them so much :'c I miss us at school. Hmm. Nevermind, life goes on kan. Im okay, as long as my best friends are with me no matter how distance take us apart. Haha you know who you are kan amazing eight :) I love you. 

Oh OHHH, saya kan, saya kan, ada adik baru hahaha. Adik kawan2 saya kan adik saya jugak. mak kawan saya pon mak saya jugak Lol ;p Haha Syazali. This boy really made my day. I cant stop smiling whenever he's around. haha macam tadi. Adynn and me jadi hyper gila tak pasal pasal bila dia datang dekat lol. Muka dia baik, sweet, menenangkan, comelllllll sangat, okay cukuplah tu puji memuji ye.but seriously. haha dia adik shahzani yang comel jugak tu :D Syazali comel, kawan dengan orang baik baik okay, belajar rajin rajin, jadi comel sentiasa. Kakak Ayesha sayang awak hahaha :) Aku kan takde adik lelaki hahaha -,- Tetiba teringat adik adik kitorang yang dah besau tu. Han Azeef Zubair. Haha. Hmm. 

So I think thats all for now kot. 

'Why would anyone ever love you?'

01 February 2012

Welcome, February.

Peace be upon you, people :) So have you look around? I mean see any differences? Haha k -_- Okay I changed the header as I wish for times ago, cause the last one was so boring to be here. And the background was my sister's legs. 

Okay, tak bukan tu yang nak cerita. Semalam Gamma buat small gathering, very small gathering. And it was super fun. Walaupun tak sampai separuh yang datang. I miss us in the class. I really do. Terlewat sikit. Pergi Tutti Alam Damai. And Harith was the last one to come, he bought us Jco. He's very sweet actually haha. The moment bila kitorang paksa dia datang jugak, and he made decision to come by his fixie all the way from suakasih. But tak lah kan, kitorang suruh dia datang naik cab, but that was so sweet. Thanks Adynn, Waya, Iman, Ajay, El, Wafa, Fatin, Farah, Miera, Airin, Tiqa, Hariz and Harith for the day. Wishing all of us were there :c   

Elfira's and Fatin's

Petang tu spending time at school with Adynn and Harith. and KadetRemajaSekolah. Hehe the form 1 students was very very cute. They are small and kecik LOL. I miss school so much. 

Isnin, datang sekolah konon nak tolong ustazah hidayah, but we end up mengukur sekolah. walaupun bukan semua :'c Jumpa cikgu2. Was fun. The funniest one was of course KakLaili tercinta hahaha. I miss her so damn much. Cikgu Hasmalaili is always cikgu hasmalaili. Get what I mean? Her first question was, 'tak bawak makanan?' 'bawak charger?' 'Hei, salam lahhhh!' I guess dia terkejut kot hahah. Kejadah apa tah nak bawak charger handphone dia. LOL. I'm laughing seriously. Hai kak Laili, I miss youuuu. Rindu nak lepak dengan dia. Rindu nak merayau kat tempat dia. Buat macam tempat sendiri. Rindu nak sembang nak gelak nak cerita semua benda dengan dia hahah :[ Seriously dapat lesen nanti I'll bring my girls serbu dia. Sumpah rindu gaban gila nak mati :'c  

Jumpa ustazah :) I miss her too. Rindu nak buat kacau. Buat dia pening. Lawan cakap dengan dia. Gelak gelak :') Tak jumpa Cikgu Fizi. Tak jumpa Cikgu Tazri, Cikgu Marina, Teacher Azlina. Ohhhh :'c Dua hari pergi tak jumpa2. Esok I'm going to school again. I'll makesure, by hook or by crook, I'll meet them! Oh haaa, Cikgu Poji hahaha, dia macam dulu lagi :') GOSHHHHHH I miss everything. Macam dah lama tak pergi sekolah kan? Padahal baru sebulan. Pon dah rindu nak mati T,T This is serious talk. Very serious. 

And last night I was crying so hard. Tersedu sedan bak kata orang :'c I'm missing too much I guess. I cant help myself. Hahah yeah normal ke? I dont know. Lantak lah. Ternyata, crying was helpful. Lepas segala gala. Mata bengkak. I tunggu sampai petang tadi dalam bilik hilangkan bengkak. I dont want anyone to see it. Seriously. And thanks Muhaiminah, thanks Qissie. They really help me a lot calming myself. Now I clearly know how it feels. Rasa rindu. 

Tadi, I was very hyper dekat twitter. Blame muhaiminah for this hahaha. Cakap pasal future. Cakap pasal kitorang. Cakap pasal Perfect Nine. I got big smile on my face just now. Very big one. I really miss them so so so so so so muchh :'c Rasa nak hug, nak kiss diorang sekarang jugak :'c I really cant wait for Muhaimin to be come back. For the gathering :) And I've some project to be done before the gathering. 'The Five Years In One' Project. I'll tell you later about it. And hehe I know, something on your mind about it right? :) 

I miss you guys.  And oh.


Meet our Kak Long. She's the best among the best.The bravest one among us. Kecik cili padi. We are best friend since 2007 and I'm still counting. And I'll never stop. Adynn, I love you so much. Stay awesome. Stay what you are. Stay good. Stay brave. Stay strong. I dont want to lose you. Please stay in my life. Please stay a part of me. I love you!!!