
29 December 2012

So.. in just another less than 6 hours, I'll be off to Lendu. While most of the students are going back on Tuesday. New year kan T.T Tahniahlah sambut new year jauh dari family. Tak cool man. Takpe. Ada kawan kawan. And ada kelas. Ada quiz pulak tu T.T Haha nais! 2012 has been so nice to me. Allah has given me so much to live. 

It happens to be one of the hardest year I've ever been through so far. And it has come to end. I am very grateful. Enough said, I've been living most of the days of the year 2012 to the fullest. Semua benda aku buat aku capai kepuasan tu. Alhamdulillah. New friends, new life, new problems, new everything. It was a bless for me. 

To the people whom I already knew in the past 6 months, thank you for being a part of my life and giving me memories. Thank you for being a part of my life and my heart. And one more thing... :)

Happy 18th birthday Faralina Shakirah. You do know how much I love you and miss you always. Wherever you go pls remember I am always with you. May Allah bless ur life and our friendship. Thank you for everything. And thank you Allah for this friendship. I wish you a happy life dekat Muadzam sana, future and afterlife. Take care lil sister. I miss you. 

See you when I see you Seventeen November Hehe. Assalamualaikum! & Happy new year in advanceeee!

27 December 2012

Christmas break. What? :O

So it is Christmas Break everyone! Hampir sebulan aku biar blog ni tanpa makanan. Dan harini, berkat janji yang kita dah buat, berkat kekuatan mata menahan mengantuk, ayuh, teruskan membaca. Eh. Pulak dah. Tinggal 3 hari lagi je cuti. And baru nak kasi bersih sawang blog ni? Obviously I am having a very busy holiday. Haha. The first four days of break, I balik Penang uolls. I dont even remember when did the last time balik sini. Raya 2 tahun lepas I guess? Oh entahlah. And yeah I miss Penang so much :c

Stayed at Maksu's house. Alisya Hanis baru sebulan setengah. She's shoo tiny, and pink. Hahaha. Tunggu awak besar sikit kaksha main dengan awak okay :-) Baby Hadif belum big boy lagi. Sama je aku tengok dia dari last jumpa sampai now. Haha. Masih tembam dan gewammmm nya kaksha dengan awakkkk! Dah pandai cakap sikit sikit. Aina lagilah. Potpet pot pet mulut dia. Dari awal datang, sampai lah balik, sombong betul dia -_- haha. Pergi Bukit Merah, having a daddy-daughters time. Mandi manda. Was fun, really :-) 

But still, I miss cheghas the most. I miss BITO. Haha btho -_- And already spend my wednesday and thursday veghy veghy well. Went out with my precious. Pictures play the best role. Curik dari Instagram twins. I'm sorry but maseh muah. 

Went out bowling! 

He's my man and she's my precious :*

Breakfast give us more than just foods

Her in red. 

Celebrating upcoming birthday girl

Grew up here

Aeon gila bapak lah dia punya sale.


SuperMumu in the house!

Gedik gila

Nine, rise & shine!



Spent well. Told ya :')

Okay, ayuh kita cerita pasal semester 2 pulak! Basically, we all sempat having three weeks dekat lendu before christmas break. Tell you what, 3 weeks can change the world, seriously. I mean, lotsa things happened in just 3 freaking weeks. I mean seriously, a lot. Okay enough. 

My first week dekat london, eh lendu (KAY) I was too busy, helping my friends moving out from their college to OUR college back. Dang Anum foreberrr! I am lucky to stay still at Dang Anum meanwhile, Nisa, Nad, Wani, Akak, Caca, Putih, Yanie, Kecik, Qintot tercampak merata rata rata rata. And I only managed to get Nisa, Nad and Wani back. Eceh, perasan. Macam aku sorang je tolong dorang dapat pindah sini balik haha. Terima kasih Pej. Kolej, terima kasih kak sally bagi contoh surat, terima kasih kak fuza tolong angkut barang nisa. 

Tell you, the first week is tiring but worth it. Aku menangis kat balcony. Level tak sama macam dulu dah. Everyone's telling the same freaking thing. Everyone, by mean, orang lama Anum haha. Since Tun Ali's residents moved to our college. and ramai ahli kehormat Anum tercampak keluar. It was freaking sad! So bila dapat bawak the three girls, Ya Allah, Subhanallah, satu rahmat terindah. Haa gittew kau jemah! Happy tak terhingga aku. Really :-) 

After a while, everything's get normal back. Level dah bising. Yelah, dulu tak kenal each other kan. Gitu lah jadi haha, actually aku je tak kenal dorang -.- But now. Boleh tahan bising. Macam pasar dah rupanya. Tapi dorang ni ada peak hour dia haha, bukan selalu bising. Macam kitorg dulu.. hiks. Seronok :-) 

Masuk second week I guess, hampir setiap hari lepak bilik Kak Sally, kat angelic. Bukan hampir rasanya, everyday Lol. Kenal Kak Jujie Kak Yana Kak Hajar Kak Auni. Bukan tak kenal before. Tapi kata orang, makin kenal. Eh apa apa jelah -_- Seronok :-) Kak Jujie, dulu kitorang panggil dia kakak koyok hahaha. Kak Yana, wa cakap lu, funny gila dahlah comel. rasa nak cubit je ~,~ Kak Hajar. Yang dulu tu garang gila tuuu. Yang dulu tu semua orang takut gila dengan dia. Haha ke entah, aku je kot yg takut lol. Tapi sekarang haha gelak guling guling dengan dia ni lah. dengan diorang ni lol. Kak Auni lagilah. Ya Allah aku rasa nak melompat jumpa dia. comel nak mati. Ahh dah semua org comel. Maksud aku bukan comel. I mean, comel. Derr pape jelah, aku bukan reti describe orang. Kelakar ke, garang ke apa ke semua aku ganti dengan comel. Tepape tah. Kak Auni dengan bantal petak colour brown dia. Botol air dia haha. Kak sally? Hiks, hai akak *lambai* haha. Yang dapat medal world most caring person pon kalah dengan kak sally. Caring gila sumpah.  Haritu guwa kena marah sebab tak makan tengahari. Kena paksa beli lunch. Nangis okay aku dengan nisa. Haha. Serious gila muka kak sally masa tu T.T Nampak Herbalife teringat kak sally. 

Teringat main nama buah tempat yang pilih pilih huruf masa kanak2 dulu tu dengan nisa kak auni kakhajar & kak yana dekat bridge. Senak gila perut aku gelak. Dengan Kak Yana ludah kumbang yang masuk mulut hahaha. Bercerita :) Yeah, it was one of the best memories I had so far for semester 2. 

Main ikat ikat rambut. Oh keluar outing dengan Kak Sally Kak Jujie haritu dengan Nad & Qintot. Hahah i have no idea why I am writing all this, I guess I just wanted it to be here. Memories made are not meant to be forgotten aite? Well at least, I believe in that :) Obviously, most of the days I had so far for semester 2, are great. 

Until.... I realized something I had forgotten. "Matahari akan pergi juga bila malam tiba" I had some tough time too :) I mean we. And we are trying very hard to fix everything. Lupa pasal hujan yang turun, lupa pada petir yang menyambar. Lupa pada banjir tak diduga. Honestly, I had enough of everything. I am too tired. I nearly give up. I dont understand why is it happening again and again everytime! I guess it is my fault. Kalau tak kenapa mesti jadi benda sama :\ Everyone's putting the blame on me. They dont see theirs :( Thats sadden me the most. Takpelah, maybe, it is really my fault. I dont mind, as long as everyone's happy. I will too :D Tu yang senang jadi aku. Haha. Eh? Whateber. And ohh, I met some Awesome people too!! Very glad to know them. Very happy to be called 'friend' to them. 

Annasihah. She got power in her words. She motivate me through her tweets and status. She's really a good friend too. Falil, dia gila buku. Eh kita geng ah wak! :D haha, naah, i tak kenal dia that close yet. Soon maybe :) Ayie, Farikha Akbar. I dont know, but I find her very very calm. Suka tengok muka dia, menenangkan & got that one day, she recites the doa, Subnallah, amazaaainnggg :') 

Oh oh nak bagitahu, semalam kan, saya kena twitlimit. For the first time in my life! Haha bangga pulak kejadah -_- Okay. I think thats all for today, thank you eh eh kbai. 

Assalamualaikum. Salam friday everyone!

25 November 2012

Clumsy. That's so me.

So it is one week left before the semester break ends. And truly said, I am veghy excited. Tapi cuak tak cuak jugak lah kan hahaha. But but tolak tepi. Dah lama sangat kat rumah. Makin mengembang lagi ada. Tak cool. Rambut dah ku potong tapi tak macam potong -_- hmm. Semoga semester dua ni lebih bahagia lol dan happier dan semakin baik :) In Shaa Allah. 

In Shaa Allah? Why not Insyaallah? Sebenarnya sebutan dia kena panjangkan Shaa tuuu. Kalau tengok sebutan Arab dia. Thats the different. Okay selingan haha. Semalam punya semalam, i got a very shocking news from a friend. And tell you what, I was freak out like never before. Tak memasal aku nangis shaking nak demam sakit dada sgala bagai because the news scared the hell out of me. I was never afraid like that before. Menggigil gigil aku pegang phone dengan laptop. Tak jadi tengok Mariam Kampung Putat ada Hamis Jalikha! Hahaha. But it turns out, she was just kidding (I knew she was kidding hours later, dalam keheningan malam lol hening sangat) -,-

Aku tak tahulah aku ke yang over ke ape. But the thing is, if you're in my shoes, you'll freak out like I did too. Or maybe it just me :3 Tak kesah lah. I'm not mad or something. I was freaking scared (Its something that I cant control). I swear, aku tak pernah takut sampai macam ni sekali the whole life. Orang yang rapat dengan aku mesti tahu, kalau aku takut aku jadi gelabah, aku jadi tak tentu arah. Hahaha mesti terbayang aku tengah gelabah kan? Lol aku tahu kelakar dan rasa nak tampar. Sorry, I dont know how to control that part of myself yet. Later, I'll figure out somethg hehe.

Well it gave me lessons. Control diri. Focus, it is what important. Entah lah I thought if the news was freaking true pon takkan aku nak freak out everyday shaking everyday, But tell you what, yeah it was a total bangg on me. The next day that is yesterday, aku demam seram sejuk. Tangan tetiba shaking dada berdebar debar and sometimes hardly breath. Haha me so weird. Rasa nak tampar diri sendiri pon ada. Over nak mampus. But tell you, I wasnt kidding, kennot control mann. So after all, I put the blame on myself. I should learn to control myself. So non of this thing would happened (except the news part if it was actually true). I'm fine now. I am actually grateful, He listens to me, and my prayers. 

The first paragraph of this entry was written the night before I got the news (Haha I stopped whatever I was doing after I received the news). So at this moment, it is 5 days left before I'm going back to Melaka. I am mentally ready but not physically. Gosh my body is sick. Tell me how is it going to be healthy if what I eat was never vegetables or fruits. Tak fit. Tak macam dulu masa rajin swimming, haha ingat lagi dulu, terperasan six packs kat badan, wa tak tipu, baru nak jadi, tapi tak terjadilah sebab pemalas. Sekarang, baru naik tangga dah semput macam asdfghjkl. Burgh nak jogging, hamak tak rajin hahaha. Kena ubah :( 

Lama tak ada banyak duit. Lama tak spend duit untuk beli buku banyak banyak. Lama tak pergi book fair. Nak kumpul duit. Nak simpan untuk beli buku. And today, I found myself in love with non-fiction books. I dont even know how and why. Seronok sebenarnya non-fictions ni. Dahlah, ni, another sem breaks story. Till then.

Happy Monday, adios :*

18 November 2012

Istanbul I'm Coming (hehe)

So a day before yesterday that is on Friday, me and my girls, qis zati & zani went out lepaking or another word for it, jogging. We're not exactly jogging, but we did walking around the Lake Valley's lake and wondering why we never knew it is huge. Hehe obviously we never had a walk before -_- and thats seriously freaking sad. What a 'healthy life' we had *Long sigh* Yeah. So because it is huge, we only walk for one round. Good start lah tu kan :B 

Then we off for breakfast. Sangat berkualiti masa yang dispendkan. The whole time we're just laughing and sharing our story in past 5/6 months. There's a lot to share. There's a lot to laugh at. Very long and calming friday morning we had :) Then, I had to go send some stuff to Cikgu Hasmalaili. So we off to her house. Hehe, borak borak. Gosh, we miss her so much! Then suddenly, Zati cakap "We should watch Istanbul Aku Datang today" jokingly. yeah, She was first joking. Cikgu took it serious Haha so the six of us (Us, four, Kak Farah and Cikgu) ended up watching it. And sponsored by our lovely beautiful teacher. Hehe see, we so cool liddat XD 

You should watch it like seriously you must! Everything was so beautifully created. the humour. Sakit perut gelak gelak. Lisa is so cute. The character, the clothes, the style, the wed dress. Mannnnn, beautiful ^^ Dengan Istanbul itself, Subhanallah! So amazing, at least it wht I see in the movie. :') Hehe and visiting Istanbul is now on my bucket list :B Place to go before I die. Certainly gonna watch it again. veghy a mind therapy. 

So yesterday.... Yeah, I turned 18 years old :) My day... was just fine. Yeah, I'm 18. But still, I'm a kid at heart hehe. No one can change that fact. I'm proud. Lewls. So, my wish is that, I become stronger and wiser. Being a good servant to Him. Being a good daughter anyway. A good sister. The best of a friend can be. Strong army in my own battle of my life. Gosh seriously I am influenced by the Avatar The last airbender story. (Imagine myself speaking in Katara's way) Okay, just ignore that -_-Seriously. 

Kay sambung. I want to change for the better life. It is not that I dont have a great life before, it just that, i never made it the best for myself in other words, I dont live it to the fullest. I keep choosing the wrong path even though the right one was never far from me. I see it clearly, but never tries to get myself that way. I keep on blaming people around me. I keep on running away from the people who really needs me and appreciate me the way I am. And I keep on going to the people who wants me when they're needing something. And that's how I end up hurt and...... mad sometimes. I guess I am mad to myself. I dont know how to overcome this. 

That one time, I realized I have no feelings anymore. I dont know how to feel sad. My sympathetic feelings gone. My tears are hardly fall. Which is I guess, a bad thing for me, as a human or at least a girl. Thats happened because I had so much pain inside (This really approve 'pain will only make you stronger' I heard most time) but it turns out the wrong way of strong meaning. Remember when I had to move from uniten to uitm? I felt like the whole world are against me. I feel like my rights were violated. But not anymore. I learnt to accept the fact that when He says Kun, then its happen. And cherish the 'Everything happens for reasons'. And yeah truly understand, 'what He takes from you, He'll give it back the better way'. Just move on with the flow and start making everything the best we could. (haha honestly, I've no idea where this spirit come from) and oh yeah, trust your parents. They know the best. 

I want myself back. The always happy girl, the no problem girl and appreciate the little things in my life. I am thankful, to born as a Muslim, as a daughter to my parents, as a sister to my siblings, and my best friends, and a friend to everyone. And stop thinking myself are not worth it (I'll work on it, I promise!). Hehe. I wish for a background music here.... Hello?
I really appreciate this. Thanks muhaiminah. You showed me something anyone else never show. You make me realize something very worth it. Hehe thanks. I love you.

So gaise, I am 18 now. hehehehehehehhehehhehehehhehehhehehe. (creepy hurh>.>)

14 November 2012

A peace of mind (not until the end of the entry)

So I just got back from 4 days vacation to Cameron Highland. Hehe. And yes it was super fun and I just love every single moment I had there. Why ah I got too excited? Cameron je pon. The air, the view, it was so much refreshing. Clean and cold air. The green view. Gosh I just love it so much. Now, Cameron Highland is officially one of my favourite place in Malaysia haha -_- okay. But, it wasn't my first time and of course wont be my last. Instead of going to beach which I truly miss the relaxing beach sound. 

Four days and three nights at Bank Negara Bungalow with the family. Hehe thanks to my beautiful aunty, Mummy :) Had a great time with the cousins who I rarely got the chance to meet them. 

Bila pergi sini, aku lupa semua masalah aku (including the one yang tak sepatutnya panggil problem pon, oh whatever) Seriously it was a peace of mind. Rasa tenang yang amat. I just realized all I need was vacation haha. Hmm. I was thinking how great it will be if I have the chance to go there with the best friends, Qistina or whoever it is. I miss Qistina a lot. And yeah, I dont miss anyone like I miss her except my aunties. haha the two beautiful women on my last entry. Walaupun asyik hujan je. Lagilah kan sejuk nak mati haha. Nak pijak lantai pon berlari lari sebab sejuk.

"Kita kena pindah ke Cameron Highland, ayah kena kerja kat sana, KTM nak buat keretapi naik ke situ" Hahahaha ~,~ It will be so great if one day ayah bagitahu benda tu lol. So now I seriously dont get it why Izzati hates moving to CH except for leaving her friends here in cheras. Well okay, I maybe will miss cheras even more haha since dari kecik aku tinggal kat sini. Okay I'll stop the craps here.

Hmm, so result. Haha. All I can say it is more than teruk. And yeah I am disappointed with myself. Really really disappointed. But I dont know where all this super strength came from that I just know it, I gotta be strong and move on and work harder next time. The thing is.... passion. I just realized what I really want. but still I dont know what is my path. So I just have to work on the only path I have now. Hahhh It is real hard yknow. I chose Accounting because I love maths. But I never want my future life to be life full of crap numbers and thing. Tell you what, I know what I really want in my future life. I can see it clearly. But I JUST DONT KNOWWW. MANNN THIS IS SUPER CRAP AND HARD AND WHATSOEVER.

Okay ignore everything yang ada dalam paragraph atas ni. Sigh. Apa apa jelah. I need another vacation hahahaha. 2 weeks and 4 days left before the semester break ends. Tak cool okay. I am not ready baby, NOT READY :( I still want to be at home.

No pictures cause I'm so lazy to upload it. I'm not feeling well. I feel like asdfghjkl. I miss Qistina. I miss Afif. I miss Wani. I miss my aunts, I miss my cousins. I miss the best friends. Sobs. Okbai. ahhhh mood swing all sudden. Tak cool.

05 November 2012

Little thought.

Somehow, I miss her and having this sense of loss. I don't understand. 
I'm struggling to nowhere. Ya Rabb, guide me. 

So, I had a great time ber-ice skating today with the best friends, Afif and Wany. Hikhik. Finally got the chance after a long time. Jenjalan sikit. Lepaking. Was fun. Wany kat KL until tomorrow. Yeah, i miss her a lot. Rambut dia paling tak tahan. Comel nak mati. Sayang, tak ada gambar 3 orang. Eh ada sebenarnya. Hek. 

Less than 4 weeks. 
Homaigodddddddd :O 
Naahhh, just kidding.

04 November 2012


Exactly 4 weeks left and here we go, semester 2. I hope I'll be nice to my self. I hope I strong enough to face everything. I wish things don't change. I wish everyone will stay. I have a lot of things messed up in my mind. I dont want to go back. I'm afraid of changes. I'm afraid of moving on. I'm afraid of new things. But I guessed, sigh. I'm ready. Well at least, I think I am. 

I miss them. The two very important women in my life. Hope you're doing well.
And currently watching these..................

Hehehe Lol ok have a nice weekend!

30 October 2012


Haha suka benda ni. Trending twitter. Malas nak buat kat twitter. nanti tak boleh baca balik. Err, boleh je sebenanrnya haha okay -_- And pernah buat jugak dulu. Hehe Double Click Here

So here are the #100ThingsAboutMe

1) 17 days left before my birthday
2) Currently having a superbly nice semester break. 
3) I was kidding just now. It is superbly boring sem break i'm having here.
4) I dont know how can I reach the 100 things about me. Dekat sini pon dh tersekat.
5) I currently eating some biscuits. 
6) I love kids and babies like so much. 
7) They probably the cutest thing on earth and I am so in love with them
8) I feel like squeezing their cheeks. Gigit ke lempang ke. Haha
9) Seriously yeah i can be THAT hyper whenever I see them around.
10) I miss my best friends so much. The Perfect Nine and The Fruits :(
11) I miss lendu very much but having the fact that I'm gonna be back to Lendu in another 4 weeks really killing me inside. 
12) I'm not ready for semester 2.
13) I'm hungry, really.
14) NCIS, forever my favourite. 
15) I miss fall asleep with the novels in my hand, not the smartphone.
16) I dont like teddy bears. 
17) I miss the smell of bookstores. ahhhh, heaven.
18) Gagagagagap bila nervous like seriously. 
19) Forever geli dengan lipas cicak cacing. Lembik. Ew. 
20) I love Ellen.
21) I never know how to solve others' problems but I listen and stay (so far)
22) I love maths. 
23) I love Ice skating.
24) I seriously hate compliments. cause i never know how to react with those. 
25) I dont speak my problem cause I know people wont understand.
26) And it is even hurt when I realize they actually dont give a damn bout it.  
27) So I stay silent.... and. Continues life.
28) I care about what others think of me
29) I easily forgive. and sometimes forget.
30) I dont give the second chance to the people i think not worthy
31) I love hanging around with my friends and having a great laugh.
32) I love coffee houses
33) Humanity is what I strongly stand for.
34) I love wearing socks at night
35) Selalu berangan jadi spy or forensic. Haha my obsession
36) Have high respect on the 'Science People' cause their brain is like asdfghjklqwertyuiop damn genius. 
37) I love to sing. Karok hihi
38) I'm half malay and half malay. 
39) I am a boring person. 
40) I love playing around
41) I love hiking
42) Suka gua sungai air terjun, nature. Suka melasak. 
43) Bila tak suka, I'll have 1001 alasan untuk tak buat
44) I love maths. And I know I've mentioned it before but I love Maths
45) I love dark chocolates
46) Craving for Manhattan
47) I love it when someone hug or kiss me.
48) Taylor Swift yeah. 
49) I want to sleep.
50) I'll continue tomorrow. 
51) In love with the song Little Things by One Direction since the first time i heard them
52) I'll keep on repeating the same song i like for thousand times until i get bored. 
53) My English are broken
54) I am still a kid at heart
55) I never want to stop playing
56) I cant stand seeing those little creatures, the babies.
57) I dont understand why people hate kids. 
58) They said if you hate kids or babies, that is when Allah stops giving rahmat to you.
59) I love Doraemon. He's kind and ugly lol
60) I love dancing
61) I used to write a lot
62) I am suck at memorizing
63) I love adventure. 
64) If I am mad, my hands will start shaking and that is when I start tearing up
65) Tak boleh makan ubat pil. Hikhik yeah 
66) Ada gastrik.
67) I love pictures. It worth a thousand words.
68) I wash my hair once in 2 days
69) Ada resdung.
70) I dont have any story to inspire but I'd love to. 
71) I'm really good at pretending and hiding my feelings
72) I love travelling
73) My first semester in UiTM was beyond amazing
74) Teringin sangat sangat sangat study oversea. Its been my dream since I was little.
75) I dont like snacks except for SuperRing haha. 
76) Suka cari bulan malam malam :)
77) I miss my school life
78) Degil
79) I love tumblr :) 
80) I hardly cries. but when I do, i really mean it. 
81) Infinity and beyond! 
82) I miss my guy friends. Really.
83) Pekak badak.
84) Pendek and okay -___-
85) I love people. I love the variety of them. And what makes everyone different. Unique, subhanallah
86) I love when muhaimin giving advises sebab kelakar sebab dia tak tahu cemana nak handle so he'll keep on mumbling and says whatever pops out from his mind walaupun aku tahu sebijik pon tara guna XD
87) I miss my childhood friends. Yo Akir Aiman Haziq Bella Adri. 
88) I'm surrounded by great people and I am blessed
89) One day, I want to sleep under the skies and stars
90) I realized I have 10 more to go
91) Yeah gonna reward myself with something for finally finish this
92) Breakfast would be good. Havent take one yet
93) I miss Lendu and the people in it like so muchhhh
94) I'm hungry
95) I love to love
96) I hardly fall for someone
97) I need to get ready now as my buddies are on their way
98) I love the piano sound
99) Yeah one more to go and hehe
100) Im finally done. 

Okay, sumpah merepek -_- Wait do I look like I care. No, and you're reading this at your own risk. Bammmm at least 1 minute been wasted kan. Tralalalala. Take care everyone. happy Wednesday ;)

27 October 2012

Sunday Morning

If only I have the guts. 

Its 20 days left before my birthday, 17th November. Well.... I dont expect much. I never want to hate my own birthday. So I wont expect much. So that I wont hurt so much. So that I wont hate my own freaking birthday. Hihi. Kbai.

"the one day in one whole year that i hated so much n would rather skip" - Qistina
As for this my dear Qistina, I totally know how it feels. 
Happy Sunday everyone :)

23 October 2012

Semester Break dah masuk hari ke 6. Plan amalan hidup sihat belum jalan. Haha. Konon-konon nak jogging every morning lah. But serious ah, no matter what nak jugak. Stamina low nak mampus. baru kena lari sikit dah macam orang kena asma -_- Tahpape tah. So setakat ni, cuti yang ada belum dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin except for haritu lepak sekolah dengan the twins. Hihi. Dan kekonon nya semalam nak jogging dengan Qintot. Jogging atas katil macam biasa dan sampai ke petang. What the heck. Lalalalala i should find something interesting to do. Kena plan ni kena plan. Takkan nak biar cuti tu ke laut je. Kerja? Naah, takkan sebulan setengah mengadap benda sama. So not me! Kbai

Taming Sari ;)

20 October 2012


So okay... here is it. It's the end of my first semester in UiTM. See how the time flies so fast? Okay... so now, I'll be writing a lot since I havent write a lot in this few months. Harini hari kedua cuti semester. And i have a long way to go before the sem breaks end and the second semester starts and that is on December. 

So I guess it is time for me to pahatkan dalam blog ni on how my first semester or Part 1 story went to. Two words, it was beyond amazing!! Truthfully, I never believe I'll said that on the first place, since being in UiTM was in my last thing to do list. Well.. if you know my stories before. Hehe. Okay, wa tarik itu kata-kata balik. Betullah apa orang cakap, just follow whatever your parents ask you to do. They always know the best. 

My first two weeks in UiTM was disaster. Tapi rasa kelakar pon ye jugak. Betapa emotional aku masa tu Masyaallah. Malu sendiri bila baca posts lepas. Erk nvm. But masa tu mmg emotional breakdown betul ah wa cakap lu. Tapi memang budak2 sangat -_- Tapi eh eh ah lantak lah. Dah lepas. Haha. But then... after a few months, I met the girls and probably some guys that made me the happiest girl on earth. Okay.. exaggerating. Lalalalala who cares. 

I realized that there's more things to experience and do here in UiTM compare to UNITEN or IPTS maybe. And that is one of the reasons why I am forced being here. The first month, I had less sleep, less eat, less energy, less everything and yeah it was freaking tiring. I mean with all the activities and so-called-event organised by the faculty and college. Pergi kelas balik kelas cari makanan er er what else. Hmm.

Of course, I do have my ups and downs here. What is life without it right? Satu benda yang paling aku tak sanggup nak lepas kan, my friends. I had never imagine how close we could be to each other and how much they really mean to me. 

Yeah.. we went through a lot of things together. 24/7 aku tengok muka diorang, hadap perangai sorang-sorang. Bangun tidur, the first thing yang aku nampak, diorang. Sebelum tidur, aku nampak diorang. Takde makanan, kelaparan tahap kebuluran, menangis, dengan diorang. Aku sakit, diorang yang jaga. Paksa aku makan ubat. Ngumpat orang lols. Picit kepala aku. Urut belakang aku bila lenguh. Pegang tangan aku, peluk aku bila aku takut. Basuhkan pinggan mangkuk. Gerak bangun Subuh. Tak kasi tidur selagi tak perform Isyak. Belikan ubat. Lipat kan baju, sidaikan baju. K hahaha lols. Cari aku bila aku tiba-tiba hilang. Nangis sekali dengan aku :) Well..what can I say.. they did a great job taking care of me. 

The thing that I remember the most are the time we spent together. Laughing like there's no tomorrow. Menari tak habis habis. Asal ada lagu sikit mulalah.. Menyanyi bajet macam suara emas lah konon. Duduk kat beranda kacau orang lalu lalang. Sambung sambung nyanyi. Mandi kat sinki. Tarik towel masa mandi. Tarik kain batik. Kentut sesukahati. Lol XD Twitter Spammmmz. Aihhhh. Too many to be listed here. And not to forget, the time I spent at the library and Tasik and walking around UiTM till 4 5 pagi sampai kena kejar polis bantuan and also with the guys, Syahiran, Amir kuasa 2 Aizad, and else and ohhh, Wawa :) It was so precious. I wont even if I could, change all this memories with a million bucks.  

And now, I really really really miss everything in Lendu. Especially their voices. Their screams. Their laughter. Their everything. Each and every single thing about them. Rinduuu sangat sangat :'c And ohh not to forget, my one and only good friend in class, Irra :) Tak banyak masa dapat spend dengan dia, since she's not my college mate. But I still miss her. 

Habis first sem haritu, I was the last person in our group yang pergi tinggalkan adorable (Our level name). So the first one to go home was Jihah, and my roommates, Yanie and Kecik or Farhana. Yeah, they went home too early. The next was Caca or Shahdatul Farisha. Sedap kan nama dia? Then, Meera Kitty, dia gila hello kitty hahah. Then Putih or Nadiah Syahirah sebab dia putih melepak dan terlalu ramai Nadia di level. Haha. The next was, Akak or Nurul Nabila Amirah and this is when I had a serious emotional breakdown. 

Masa tu baru terasa sangat sangat most of them dah balik, plus masa tu I was still halfway from the day I'll be home. Memang satu hari penat nangis je. Eh bukan satu hari, heh berhari hari erm. Then Eida.... Labu Gemik saya :) On Saturday, Ayong or Hanisah Jamlus. And by that time I still had 5 days to go. Tinggal me, qintot nad wani and kin je...... To tell you, it was one of the hardest time I have been in Lendu. Sunyi... sepi. Hahah macam drama kan? Tapi der, realiti ni doe. Semua benda yang aku buat, mesti teringat punya lah. Mesti! And Monday.... it just left me, Nad and wanie. Sampailah Khamis. Hah. What a week I've been. A very painful week. Hik hik. And now I'm home, I am still missing them to the max. Sigh :( 

Eh? I dont mention about exams at all ah? Haha, well, exam hmm. I am worried about accounting subject the most. Biarlah, tawakal and doa je for now :) 

So firstly, me, ur mengkudu wanna thank each and everyone of you, fruittyy tittyyy (haha), for being everywhere with me. Taking care of me. Laugh with me, cry a river with me. Make me the happiest girl. Love me for who I am. Being my sister and bros and being in my life and a part of my heart. Words cant never tell you how much I love and miss you guys. Well.. it never mean I've forgot all my best friends here. They still own their place in my heart like how it used to be. Cuma, this girls also own another part of myself. And they're all matters to me. 

Ya Allah, keep them safe wherever they are. Bless them in everything they do. Guide wherever they are walking. And may they get the best in their life and afterlife. Ya Allah, for Your sake, I love them so much.   

Dear sisters, my BFTJ ;) korang tahu kan siapa korang. Please know that, you mean so much to me and I love you so much. Take care and behave :) I love youuuu. "Bercakap dengan bulan" :') Hikhik

Apa yang aku tulis ni, it is just a quarter of what We've been through. I want to share a little bit of the memories I had here with these amazing girls and guys in this blog. As for the rest, I already keep it in the deepest of my heart :) And I'm making a video but still in the making. 

Sincerely writing,
ur Ayesh,
ur sister,
ur Ecah,
ur Adik,
ur Mengkudu (Haha)
2.30AM 21/10/2012

"I love you, you love me, we're a happy family, with a great big hug, and a kiss from me to you, wont you say you love me too..." :)

24 September 2012

They're my family, my best friends, my sisters and most of all, a part of my heart. I love you guys so much for the sake of Allah. Please stay like we are forever.  

When I look into your eyes, 
It's like watching the night sky,
Or a beautiful sunrise..

23 September 2012

I wish to go far away from here. Anywhere but here. So they wont have to see me again, and I dont have to hurt anymore.

30 June 2012

Another Story

"I used to think the way to be strong was to be tough, the way to be independent was to not need anyone" - Portia De Rossi. 

Roughly, it is my second week here in UiTM Alor Gajah and I have to admit, I'm starting to love my campus life here. "Redha dengan takdir Allah" - Ibu. And now, aku mula nampak segala jenis hikmah yang ada tu. Well at least, for now, aite. So meh sini nak cerita :)

Nama Kolej? Dang Anum. Cerita dari tempat tidur dulu lah ye haha. Well, the facilities of course lah tak segempak Uniten. and jujur, masa first time aku nampak tandas dia (it was when my first time jejak kaki dekat UiTM, my parents brought me here, a few days before making the decision) aku menangis haha. Yeah stupid kan. I know. I dont really clear of why it became a very big thing to me. Bilik air je pong -,- Okay lets move on. Bilik aku atas sekali, nama level kitorang, Adorable. hehe. Comel gila. Lol. And my room mates, Syiqin, Yanie and Kecik/Ana. Sekepala, asyik gelak tak berenti. Hahah cool. The room is just nice. Ada almari 2. katil double decker 2, meja panjang. Ahahah. Okay whatever. Well of course I'm not going to tell you every single thing that i have in my room. Tapi yang pasti bersepah gila. Naik kelabu mata aku tengok. heh. 

Level mates. Hah kau level mates sangat -,- Ada dua seniors. And both of them are completely langit dan bumi hahah kay. Kak Anis, baik comel gila weh serious rasa nak peluk je. Lembut orang nya. And the other one is Kak Eika. Kak Eika pulak garang gila XD hahah serious . Tapi comel kecik molek je orangnya. What I mean by langit dan bumi just now was yeah garang and tak garang haha. Takut aku kalau kak eika marah :3 Level Adorable is actually quite fun and bising heheh. Compare to many more levels. Yang lain aku tengok senyap sunyi cengkerik je memanjang ~,~ Boring. Hahah. Or maybe it is just me. 

Seronok sebenarnya. Ramai yang baik and bising and banyak cakap, kecoh beramai-ramai. Fun. Here, a few of them yang aku dah start rapat. Mimi. Masa mula-mula datang, dialah orang first yang aku kenal. Sama course. Gila jugak kepala dia. Orang johor. Heheh. Imyra. Classmate si Syiqin. Dia panggil aku syarifah sebab si syiqin lah hahah pegi tipu dia ckp nama aku syarifah and till now dia panggil aku syarifah ~,~ Blur gila. Kelakar nak mati. Duduk dengan dia, kalau tak gelak tu memang pelik XD Tak bernafas aku gelak je. Manja. Hahah. Ida, budak bilik depan bilik aku. Dia panggil aku Aisy haha.  

Mira@Kakak, dia ni lah panggil aku Turquoise and Nadirah. Kak Anis pon panggil aku Turquoise -,- haha Dia PKL. Penolong Ketua Level. And know what, cara dia cakap, sebijik macam Dila cakap. Sebijik weh haha serious :3 Orang Kelate jugak :) Semua orang dia panggil Adik. Thats why orang panggil dia kakak. Baik orangnya. Kelakar X) Nadiah @ Cik putih. Cik putih ni pon ha, mira yang bagi XD Aku pon panggil dia putih. Lol. Sebab ada dua nadiah. And and nama Mira kat level aku ni pon... err boleh lah kira pakai jari. 4 orang kot tak silap. Jihah, room mate kakak. Wany, budak Dais jugak. Comel ! Nisa bilik sebelah kanan. Haha. kay ._. Lagi tu je lah kot, for now :) Tak sempat nak kenal semua lagi. Ni masa gotong royong tadi.  

Mira, Wany, And Jihah

Wany, Mimi and Mira :)

Turquoise, Syarifah, Aisy, Nadirah. Nama baru hahah. Sabar je lah X) And actually Turquoise was given masa kolej Induction which was last 2 night where kitorang kena mintak sign dari seniors and one of the senior nak pen colour turquoise. and i was the only one yang ada pen tu from my level lah. Heh. Kelakar jugak senanya, and now, bila ada org sebut turquoise mulalah aku terperasan XD cheh. So far, everything is just fine. I'm enjoying it right now :) Alhamdulillah

Okay meh cerita pasal kelas. D'ais 1A (Diploma Accounting of Information System). Sebutan dia supposed to be Di-A-is. Tapi dah malas sangat, da-is je lah lol. 26 orang. And Alhamdulillah they're all fun and great. 26 orang kot, tak perlu cerita semua sekali kan. haha letih lah aku. Dalam kelas ni aku rapat dengan Irra. Dia suka gelak. And bila dia gelak mesti panjang. pastu comel gila XD hahaha. And Hanis. Sebab dia sorang je yang satu kolej dengan aku. Yang lain semua kolej baru yang jauh beribu batu tu. Lol kay tipo je. Zaid. Si kecoh. Fajar, pemalu manja gituw menyampah lol. Class rep, Nurul and Sabrina si palapes. Lecturers, so far, okay je lah. Takde lah apa pon. Seminggu ni, aku busy gila gila gila punya busy. Dengan boria (Induction) Perghh. K -,-

Nextweek aku tak kira aku nak balik haha. Tak cukup tidur. Tidur kul 4 pagi, bangun kul 6. Heh. Okay fine, itu aku jelah yang cari pasal sendiri hahha. 

But still, aku rindu gila UNITEN. Hmm. Rindu gila babeng. Semalam skype dengan Yas Ecot. Yas nangis. Kesian dia. Banyak sangat benda jadi after aku keluar dari situ. Aku serious sumpah rindu diorang sangat-sangat. Nak jumpa :'3 Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Hmm.

Okay dah lah. Malam tadi aku tidur 2 jam je. Pagi tadi ada gotong royong. Nak pengsan dah aku rasa ni ha. Kbai. 

"The more you allow people into your life and into your heart, the happier you are"