
31 January 2011

semua orang pon ada rahsia kan?

Happy Birthday Bestfriend :)
7teen on 31st January 2011

Happy Birthday Cousin :)
Thirteen on the same date
Amira Najihah

Dear sisters, may all your wishes come true in Allah bless. I love you <3

Today dah February! Just in a blink of eyes ==' 6 month to trial. Lets countdown!

Whehee :) so ada apa dengan title? entah~ yaa, semua orang pun ada rahsia. aku pun :) kau pun :) mereka pun :) haha. takde motif. byee.. and HAPPY FEBRUARY :)

29 January 2011

they don't know

First school holiday for the year. I've been waiting this for a long time. yaa, since the date 3/1/2011 :) haha, apakah? tak semangat lansung nak sekolah ==' hmm. so know, another month is gone.. 7 month left for SPM trial. and 10 month left for the real one. I'm very tired since the first week of school. Now it is time to rest and accomplish what has not been completed. Homeworks and everything. Before the school starts again and I'm ready for nothing. Huraaah. 

School is as usual. Buruk. Kehkeh. No-lah. School was fun and tiring. If only cry can makes the things go easier, i would be crying. huh. ICT? there's like no end. shit! Oh Allah, where's the end? I can't see it! And more worse, everybody was like don't care. 

I will sit for 10 subject for SPM. Art as additional. Is it wrong to learn? Naah, i'm just asking. Because some people did think its wrong. Just because it doesn't suit with the main subject you're taking. Ohh, please. Whats wrong with that? Annoys me a lot -.- Gamma is great. So do SMS. We get along together with joy :) Err, maybe sometimes not. Yaa, rarely not. Trust each other, it will be fine :) Thank God. I'm very lucky! 

27 January 2011

Tak perlu percaya orang, percaya diri sendiri. Allah itu Maha Adil. Semuanya sempurna sebenarnya :') 

26 January 2011

minta maaf katak

finally, 7 mr froggy menjadi mangsa kerajaan terulung 'The Gammarians'. Jeritan, ketawa, loya, nak muntah, akhirnya dibalas dengan kelegaan :) haha, serious, cool gilaa experience! dari awal dah fikir sendiri 'walau apapon jadi, kau kne pegang sha!' kata nak jadi doktor kan :P haha. sekali amik kau, mcm pegang ayam goreng je pegang katak :P cool gilaaa :D and trust me, that was my first time holding a frog in my life. slame 16 tahun ni. haha. but pegang masa dia dah pengsan lah kan :P dan agak mnyesal lah tak pegang masa die terlompat-lompat tu. tiada kekuatan :>

masa bedah tu, mcm cool gilaa je. 'ecah, tekan kuat sikit' 'eh! jgn tekan kuat sangaaat' 'eee, banyaknya darah' and masa aku lap darah katak guna kapas tu and time potong dia, i was imagine that i am a doctor in the bilik bedah. hahaa. and my team was, me nadia adynn aniza hariz and airin. i'm proud adynn finally hold the katak with her hand. you know, she's the one that akan menjerit punyaa. muka die pon dah pucat dah. haha, but, she made it ^^ 

bila tengah nak siat kulit katak tu, saya terjerit, saya bagai terasa kesakitan tu, eh tapi, lantak kaulah katak :P tapi kan froggy, kulit kau liat jugak, serious best :) jantung die sebesar 1/3 jari kelingking saya. berdenyut! amazing! Subhanallah.. bangga gilaa :)

2 of the frog has names. Satu Shasha, and other one was Fasha. Our team frog was named after Fasha Sandha. I cant remember why. Semua ni, my Bangladon Queen, Nadia punye keje. sorry Fasha Sandha :) And Shasha, Harith yang namakan :P

Semua muka excited :D

Hehe :)

Yeah, one of the best moment in school, and gamma :) okay, jom bedah tikus pulak :P Trust me, it was amazing ! :)

23 January 2011

kenapa semua org mcm kesunyian?

its only the fourth week of school tomorrow and i am tired like hell :( rasa pressure sangatsangat. And i promise myself, this would be stop before CNY! :( and when the school start again, i'm gonna give my 99.99 % attention to my studies. 

I have 8 month before the SPM trials. and 11 month before SPM. not so long! huh. and I have 10 subject to cover :) pray for me.

smalam, jalanjalan, dkt blog kawankwan saya :) tapi... semua mcm lonely. kenapa? pagi tadi,   sy buat sorg ckg benci saya sgt2 :( (lahkot) ckg, saya tak berniat pun. ckg, saya pun tak tahu apa saya fikir, sy pon tak tahu kenapa saya minta maaf :'( 

17 January 2011

3rd week

hello :) its the third weeks of school. not bad. haha. tusyen saya pon berlambak! homework saya apatah lagi ==' cikgu sekolah saya mmg rajin bagi homework. lalala. kelas gamma, terbaik. haha. kejap2 mesti ketawa.

rukun negara ada 46 orang! apakah :O huh. ramai yang amat ==' takpelah. what to do aite? QM tak tahu, krs pon juga. ICT ambil budak baru. kenapa tak ramai ? -.- chehee. lantaknya lah.

dah lama tak belanja duit <3 haha. its time to save money. yeayie :) bawak bekal hari-hari best apa :) Jimaaat je :D haha. okay fine, sebenarnya takde idea lansung nak menulis ==' BYE

08 January 2011

see ya again facebook

facebook? hmm. I'm hardly trying to keep myself away from facebook. hey, its spm year! must sacrifice! reti? facebook is not a drug. see, the person who used it who make it a drug. tak faham jugak lantak kau lah. so, I'm away from fb. and I promise myself that I will not log in facebook 3 month before exam at all. at least, i try aite?

and things REALLY look different this year. okay, baru masuk 8 days ==' i don't know if I will love or hate this year like 2010. ohh, i love 2010 very much. seems like, everybody easily forget everything you see. huh. thats not good. i know, i had to let it go. isnt it?

you wish me away, do you ? 

04 January 2011


today is our third day at school. and saya tak pernah rasa sesemangat ni bila belajar. haha. menguap sikit2 adelah. homework semua dah siap kat skolah. after meeting ICT smalam pon, tak main2 dah. study! waahh. serious cool :D

okay dah :> teachers semua okay je :) ahaha. baru third day pon. ramai tak masuk lagi. and 3 new student in gamma :) welcome, akmal hariri, amanina and el :) adila is now alpha's. she deserve it yaww :O sy jealous dia rajin gilaa :O haha. okay habis

mreka macam strangers :> seriously ==' maybe it will no longer like before. kan...?

02 January 2011


esok dah sekolah. apakah? -.- berkain hitam kembali :) eheey. sebenarnye rindu gila sekolah :) *tipu. okay, NAK CUTI LAGIII! sy awal2 dah tgk bila start cuti skolah lagi? haha ==' this year gonna be stressful year. and then tak skolah dah. what da..? 

bila pegi mana2, semua org ingat still form 1! pffft. sy tahu sy pendek. AHAHA :D terkejut dorg sha kata form 5. boo. ohh. hmm. lantak kome lah. ehehee. and oh ye, HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS :) 

tahun baru sy sambut dengan big family gathering. Uncle Wan, congrats sudah tunang :D walaupun... :P heran pulak? then family meeting for family day this year. and this year i will be joining :D yahoooo ^^ buat kat kk :) i miss kk so damn much! and kk in kuala kangsar. gila bapak lama tak balik. huh. rumah nenek esah pon nak runtuh dah agaknya? rinduu :') and i cannot wait for family gathering at heritage :D yeayie. 

oh laala :) SPM tahun ini. seperti yang dirancang, sy akan menunduk ke setiap arahan komander bernama ibu berikan :O huh. takpe. tak sampai setahun pon merana. lepastu happily ever after. aaahaha. kalau relax tahun ni. lepastu terpaksalah 'merana ever after'. mana nak? ^^ walaahahaha :) mari dapat straight As. lepastu boleh masuk U swasta free. cheh, sy nak overseas ditanggung beres ^^ boleh?