Its our graduation day. Well it really mean something to me :') The school really mean something to me. Yeah truly. Yelah cuba fikir mana kau belajar jadi diri kau yang sekarang ni. Well around 6.30am dah kumpul atas bas. Haha masuk masuk bas menggigil because muhaimin call bas nak gerak okay say what?! -,-
The auditorium was big and great and we're lucky ;D Hehe. So here some pictures :)
Gamma rules ;D
The gorgeous ;D <3 Hahha
Kena marah sebab bising sangat hehe. Yelah semua excited ^^
Masuk dewan dah start gelabah haha nasib panjang ucapan Tan Sri Alimuddin and wife, Puan Sri Datin Mazlilah a.k.a our principle :) hehe the part when puan sri pass the cenderahati to him everyone was 'awww' ;D
So tiba masa everybody in first session line up. Honestly i was menggigil like haih. Haha, but i manage to calm myself. Hehe awesome :) Then performance was good. The girls were all beautiful and dikir barat chinese boy being one of the artist of the day. He's so bersemangat gilaa and the face his making awhh so cute. hahahaha.
Okay then the second session. When it almost done everybody seems to start resah, Haha nak keluar lah tu -,- Then penyampaian anugerah pelajar contoh, i would be cry if i were the two girls. So much awesome being them :') I cant imagine how proud their parents' are. Well ayah ibu, i'll make you proud someday. i will :')
Lepas tu sesi bergambar ramai ramai. Hehe, kalaulah masa panjang lagi. And unfortunately there's no family picture of us -,- macam mana boleh lupa -,-
I'll make you proud someday ibu ayah :* |
Lepas tu makan. hehe. Okay then turun waiting for bus to come.
Krol. I miss her :*
How many time did I told you she's pretty? and she's awesome <3
I gonna make you proud cikgu :)
The one and only. She rules the school ! ^^
Wehehehehe :) So it was a great day. And the most important is I'm happy and I'm so gonna miss all this. Hah :(
Then we went to Tutti Frutti on Kak Laili's treat. She's awesome. again. haha, so my first tutti frutti was by her treat. Lol yeah, my first -,- And we had so much fun laughing snapping pictures and even talking to the fish. but later okay. hehe, ayah dah marah sebab curi netbook ;p
Ya Allah, kau permudahkan segalanya untuk kami. Ya Allah, i love them so much. Every single person I talked about. Youve shown Your love to me through them. Bless us Ya Allah, Alhamdulillah. Thankyou so muchhhhh :')
PS : Realizing that school has almost come to end made my eyes filled with tears.
I gonna miss my girlfriends, my guyfriends, cikgu hasmalaili, sazah saripah, the teachers, gamma, ICTs, and everything about school. Every single thing of it :'(