HARIMAU MALAYA really did a great job. Congratulations Malaysia. we won :) I'm very proud :D
and to my dearest bestfriend, Faralina.
Happy Birthday Hunny :)
May everyday brings you happiness in Allah bless. I love you so much ^^ Thanks for being a very good friend of me.
2010 just left one day. We are entering the new year. new obstacle. new happiness. new me? :) new everything.
30 December 2010
29 December 2010
malaysia vs indonesia tonite :)
Malaysia, pray for the best :) Oh yeah. Come on :D ahaha. sejak bile lah ayesha suka bola huh? bola tampar, bola keranjang boleh la -.- bola sepak? kahkahakah. oh, senanye best je tgk bola. cuma puas bila org kita yg main :) hehe. come on Malaysia! ^^
28 December 2010
ini kisah telur dadar :)
hello :) so, as u can see, saya dah makeover ini blog. haha, not much, but, this is what happen when there was nothing to do (baca buku sepatutnya -.-) kehkeh. is it nice? for me, just okay :)
so, ape kesah telur dadar? siape suka telur dadar? kalau tgk kaum kerabat sy yang kecik2, takde lauk pon takpe, asal ade telur dadar dah okay :) haha. and, dalam banyak2, saya paling suka masak telur dadar. senang cepat sedap terbaik ^^
today, saya nak share cara buat telur dadar yg sedap :) sbb sy percaya tak semua org buat telur dadar sedap -.-
saya tak suka telur dadar mcm ni. leper nipis. hehee
haa, yg ni terbaik. garing, lembut and marvelous :D
so, ape kesah telur dadar? siape suka telur dadar? kalau tgk kaum kerabat sy yang kecik2, takde lauk pon takpe, asal ade telur dadar dah okay :) haha. and, dalam banyak2, saya paling suka masak telur dadar. senang cepat sedap terbaik ^^
today, saya nak share cara buat telur dadar yg sedap :) sbb sy percaya tak semua org buat telur dadar sedap -.-
saya tak suka telur dadar mcm ni. leper nipis. hehee
haa, yg ni terbaik. garing, lembut and marvelous :D
lalala, so, mule2, pukul telur *sebijik cukup, sampai kuning pekat tu, jd kuning cair (berbuih) gunalah garpu. then masukkan garam secubit dua. potong bawang besar. pukul dangan telur, smpai die kluar bau yg sedap :D (sila bau dalam jarak seinci). lepastu, minyak dalam kuali, sikit, tayah banyak2. korg nak makan telur, bukan minyak! faham?
then, biar die brasap rasap. pastu, campaklah telur itu dengan sepenuh hati. ahaaa. then terbalikbalik kan die (setiap balikan, dalam masa 20 sec) biar die garing br sedap :)
err, dan, sy tak suka letak mayonnaise. mmg berlemak, but, tak sedap :P terpulanglah. ahaha. okay, siap :) makan saje pon sedap. now, knape budak ni post pasal telur? buang tabiat apa? taklah.
act, inilah makanan yg sy tak pernak muak dr kecik smpai skarang :) org pon ramai suka kan? duhh. lantaklah nak post pasai ape :) cheers
26 December 2010
great job Malaysia ^^
malaysia vs indonesia. MALAYSIA WON :D 3-0 yeayy. bergegar rumah dengar kitorg jerit :) what a bless. hehee. i knew we can won this. puas gilaa :D well, haha.
![]() |
Padahal -.- Loser :) |
apepon, pancaran laser tu mula dr dorg. cheitt. dah kalah kalah jugak :P haha. btw, sy bukan nak cari pasal. cuma macam nak ketawa. pergilah kat page2 'we hate malaysia'. semua bising macam sakai. tapi, kita tayah lah buat mcm tu jugak ye. kita kan baik dan hebat :) haha. -.-
malaysia won already :) and i'm proud proud prouuud :D haha. MALAYSIA FOREVER :) I'm a proud Malaysian whatever it is :) Alhamdulillah :)
18 December 2010
hello. hee, terasa nak post pasal topic ni lepas bace blog waya! hehe. dari kecik, saya mmg raaaamai kawan :) *bangga ape?
my first bestfriend was a boy named, Ayie. even actually die muda stahun dr aku. masa tu aku umur brape tah. 4 years old kot. rumah dia bawah rumah aku, dekat bangsar. ehee, rumah tu, rumah teres. but 2 tingkat, atas lain, bawah lain. everyday Ayie mesti dtg rumah main same2. haha. ingat lagi die nangis gila2 bila time family aku nak kluar jalan, tp die nak main mase tu. haha. beria die pujuk mak die bg die ikut skali. he was a very cute little boy.
and then once, mak die buat kenduri ape tah. he suddenly asked his mom "mak, ni majlis perkahwinan Ayie dengan Ayesha ye?" ohh, kalau lah mase tu aku tahu erti malu :D kehkeh. that time mmg sengih jelah aku. yelah, mana tahu ape ape =='
my second bestfriend yg saya ingat is Ainaa Syazwani . mase tu standard 1 kat skbtho. kitorg duduk dekat apartment suasana atas bukit tu. memang everyday lah main sama2, balik skolah same2. haha. tringat opah yg duduk kat tingkat bawah skali flat tu. boleh kata tiap2 hari main kat situ. then since pindah suadamai mane kawan dah. yelah, masa tu mane ade facebook bagai2 ni :)
lepas pindah rumah, but tak pindah skolah lagi, standard 3, my bestfriend was puteri nurina syairah :) bila masa rehat je tmpt kitorg mesti kat taman sc kot, seblah kantin, cari serangga kecik2. haha. punyelah blambak dlu kitorg kumpul dlm bekas ubat yg cylinder tu. binatang ape pon aku tak tahu. mmg tu lah keje kitorg. then since pindah kat skbtho 2 kitorg kawan smpai standard 4 kot. sbb after that dia pindah, and lost contact mcm tu je. but, seriously kitorg rapat gilaa2 dulu. wahh, rindu :') i remembered she won pakaian beragam kot kat skolah dulu. ohh, die mmg lawaa gilaaaaa tahu masa tu! :)
next, nur syahirah mohiadin. ehee. dengan die, aku banyak guna imaginasi aku bila bercerita. semua cerita nak gempak je ==' haha. padahal banyak tak betul -.- haha. hai, apelah yg aku fikir dlu kan? ><
masuk standard 5 start rapat dengan nabilah, dalilah, aiman, akir, haziq, akmal semua. ingat lagi, bila kena buat group for projects, especially science project, mesti satu group punyelah. hahaa. cool gila zaman dlu :D naik stndrd 6, geng yo, luqman samad :) dorg mmg cool gila lah. and then yo, she's the one yg mula2 panggil 'echah'. and then semua org ikut -.- hihi. oh ye, erin :) i miss her cute chicky face. gaya die lari <3 hehe.
ohh, rindu sangat dorg :( i remember once, dengan nabilah, that time puasa kot. afta upsr, kitorg punye gila2 naik turun tangga tolong cikgu sana sini mcm org tak puasa! haha. and bila gaduh, mmg dua2 tanak mngalah lansung ! ohh. hmm. hee.
and once, masa tu, pergi kursus for tunas puteri, me, bella erin and adhwa :) haha. mmg best gilaa. tak habes gelak jee. :) kehkehh. rinduu :) oh yee, lagi satu, a bestfriend since kecik, kawan main, kawan makan, kawan gaduh. syifa and wawan :) oh yeahh. everyday dulu, mesti main sama2. main mak mak, main masak2, main polis2, main basikal, main kat taman. joging sama2. hmm ^^
then bila masuk form 1, kenal cik adynn, diyana, qys. and saya tinggal yg lain. ohh, sumpah mcm bodoh dulu ==' padahal sy syg gilaa2 dorg dlu. hmm :( but yet, haha. mmg jadi gila lah dgn dorg 3. haha. but now, i have Sentiasa Mencari Seronok. yeah. the one who made me realize what the world looks like. i am a proud smsers.
I might be a very good friend, just don't make me your doll. So not cool!
my first bestfriend was a boy named, Ayie. even actually die muda stahun dr aku. masa tu aku umur brape tah. 4 years old kot. rumah dia bawah rumah aku, dekat bangsar. ehee, rumah tu, rumah teres. but 2 tingkat, atas lain, bawah lain. everyday Ayie mesti dtg rumah main same2. haha. ingat lagi die nangis gila2 bila time family aku nak kluar jalan, tp die nak main mase tu. haha. beria die pujuk mak die bg die ikut skali. he was a very cute little boy.
and then once, mak die buat kenduri ape tah. he suddenly asked his mom "mak, ni majlis perkahwinan Ayie dengan Ayesha ye?" ohh, kalau lah mase tu aku tahu erti malu :D kehkeh. that time mmg sengih jelah aku. yelah, mana tahu ape ape =='
my second bestfriend yg saya ingat is Ainaa Syazwani . mase tu standard 1 kat skbtho. kitorg duduk dekat apartment suasana atas bukit tu. memang everyday lah main sama2, balik skolah same2. haha. tringat opah yg duduk kat tingkat bawah skali flat tu. boleh kata tiap2 hari main kat situ. then since pindah suadamai mane kawan dah. yelah, masa tu mane ade facebook bagai2 ni :)
lepas pindah rumah, but tak pindah skolah lagi, standard 3, my bestfriend was puteri nurina syairah :) bila masa rehat je tmpt kitorg mesti kat taman sc kot, seblah kantin, cari serangga kecik2. haha. punyelah blambak dlu kitorg kumpul dlm bekas ubat yg cylinder tu. binatang ape pon aku tak tahu. mmg tu lah keje kitorg. then since pindah kat skbtho 2 kitorg kawan smpai standard 4 kot. sbb after that dia pindah, and lost contact mcm tu je. but, seriously kitorg rapat gilaa2 dulu. wahh, rindu :') i remembered she won pakaian beragam kot kat skolah dulu. ohh, die mmg lawaa gilaaaaa tahu masa tu! :)
next, nur syahirah mohiadin. ehee. dengan die, aku banyak guna imaginasi aku bila bercerita. semua cerita nak gempak je ==' haha. padahal banyak tak betul -.- haha. hai, apelah yg aku fikir dlu kan? ><
masuk standard 5 start rapat dengan nabilah, dalilah, aiman, akir, haziq, akmal semua. ingat lagi, bila kena buat group for projects, especially science project, mesti satu group punyelah. hahaa. cool gila zaman dlu :D naik stndrd 6, geng yo, luqman samad :) dorg mmg cool gila lah. and then yo, she's the one yg mula2 panggil 'echah'. and then semua org ikut -.- hihi. oh ye, erin :) i miss her cute chicky face. gaya die lari <3 hehe.
ohh, rindu sangat dorg :( i remember once, dengan nabilah, that time puasa kot. afta upsr, kitorg punye gila2 naik turun tangga tolong cikgu sana sini mcm org tak puasa! haha. and bila gaduh, mmg dua2 tanak mngalah lansung ! ohh. hmm. hee.
and once, masa tu, pergi kursus for tunas puteri, me, bella erin and adhwa :) haha. mmg best gilaa. tak habes gelak jee. :) kehkehh. rinduu :) oh yee, lagi satu, a bestfriend since kecik, kawan main, kawan makan, kawan gaduh. syifa and wawan :) oh yeahh. everyday dulu, mesti main sama2. main mak mak, main masak2, main polis2, main basikal, main kat taman. joging sama2. hmm ^^
then bila masuk form 1, kenal cik adynn, diyana, qys. and saya tinggal yg lain. ohh, sumpah mcm bodoh dulu ==' padahal sy syg gilaa2 dorg dlu. hmm :( but yet, haha. mmg jadi gila lah dgn dorg 3. haha. but now, i have Sentiasa Mencari Seronok. yeah. the one who made me realize what the world looks like. i am a proud smsers.
I might be a very good friend, just don't make me your doll. So not cool!
17 December 2010
hello :) ohh. nak masuk second last week of december. hmm. not good. saya demam >< ohh :( haha, but yeah, tak de hallah. paling tatahan, sakit tekak tu lah. ape pon perit nak makan :(
oh ye, saya dah buat spec baru. haha. spec lama ? hmm~ spec ni, full frame. blacksoftpink. design die lawa <3 hee. mcm spec syarah. but syarah's is blackpurplegreenish. 3 tone colour. mahal pon tak :) org kedai spec tu bg discount mcm tanak untung. eloklah tu, murah rezeki :) hee. cool lah :) RM160 je. frame 80 kot. die kurg RM 20 mcm tu. cermin, 100++ die bg sratus. mmg senyum lebar lah ibu. haha :)
esok, balik kampung. ohh -.- bosannye. time to cut my hair. yeayy :) rimas oh rambut pnjang2. then esok pon, bibik yana balik indon for 2 weeks. yehaa :D lol.
oh ye, saya dah buat spec baru. haha. spec lama ? hmm~ spec ni, full frame. blacksoftpink. design die lawa <3 hee. mcm spec syarah. but syarah's is blackpurplegreenish. 3 tone colour. mahal pon tak :) org kedai spec tu bg discount mcm tanak untung. eloklah tu, murah rezeki :) hee. cool lah :) RM160 je. frame 80 kot. die kurg RM 20 mcm tu. cermin, 100++ die bg sratus. mmg senyum lebar lah ibu. haha :)
esok, balik kampung. ohh -.- bosannye. time to cut my hair. yeayy :) rimas oh rambut pnjang2. then esok pon, bibik yana balik indon for 2 weeks. yehaa :D lol.
14 December 2010
takde problem pon kan ?
last picture : ape motif die di tengah2 ==' sakit mata memandang. boo.
raaaaaa. dan ape motif post gmba2 ni ? -.- chehee.
09 December 2010
when it comes to type something here, the feel to write will suddenly flush away like wind. same goes to all the ideas. and its end up this blog not update for a very long time. haha. but see, it is not important at all. boo. so, today is 10 dec.
And yeayy :D my dad home :) i miss him so much >< oh yeah. lots of chocolates, souvenirs, shirts, jubah and more. ehehe :) and now, i'm busy with tuition and studies. i dont want to, but i need to. this is about my future, and my life, and not yours. tahun depan, will be no more
ibu : tuition
me : okay
ibu : seminars
me : okay
ibu : study !
me : okay
hehe. trust me. its gonna be very tiring year. but sokay, its better than have to survive with no As plus all D's for SPM.
And next year will be no more kawad. ohh tak lah semua. i mean, will not, gila2 struggle for that. but still will KRS, QM, KRN, ICTs and for sure Sentiasa Mencari Seronok :) hehee. jom berjaya sama2 ^^oh, i know i can. i know we can. hehee. yeay :)
and i think it is not too late to wish all muslims, HAPPY MUHARRAM :) and slamat berhijrah, kepada yg lebih baik :)
and what i'd do for hijrah this year? i wanna be a better muslim! pray for me. may all of us forever in Allah's bless. Amin :)
And yeayy :D my dad home :) i miss him so much >< oh yeah. lots of chocolates, souvenirs, shirts, jubah and more. ehehe :) and now, i'm busy with tuition and studies. i dont want to, but i need to. this is about my future, and my life, and not yours. tahun depan, will be no more
- tido dalam kelas
- 24/7 facebook + blog
- <40 marks in exams
- spend my time to nothing
ibu : tuition
me : okay
ibu : seminars
me : okay
ibu : study !
me : okay
hehe. trust me. its gonna be very tiring year. but sokay, its better than have to survive with no As plus all D's for SPM.
And next year will be no more kawad. ohh tak lah semua. i mean, will not, gila2 struggle for that. but still will KRS, QM, KRN, ICTs and for sure Sentiasa Mencari Seronok :) hehee. jom berjaya sama2 ^^oh, i know i can. i know we can. hehee. yeay :)
and i think it is not too late to wish all muslims, HAPPY MUHARRAM :) and slamat berhijrah, kepada yg lebih baik :)
and what i'd do for hijrah this year? i wanna be a better muslim! pray for me. may all of us forever in Allah's bless. Amin :)
02 December 2010
esok T____T hmm :*
harini 3 dec. WHAT?! 3 dec? burrrrr. why so fast huh? just in a blink eyes. then next year will be the form 5 year. SPM, :P huh. smalam, ibu amik result. thank God, 2 saja failed ==' but the rest, cukup makan jeh :O fuhh.
and 9 december :D <3 cant wait. my father is coming HOMEEEE :D yeayyy. cepatlahhhhh :) dad, i miss youuu :') heeee. skarang saya sebok dengan tusyen ye. tak boleh main2 mcm dlu lagi. satu tahuuun je. lepas tuu T.T
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